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Is it wrong for an 11 year old to day after day and night to play video games?

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alohamom · F
Day after day and night after night is not good no matter what you're doing. It's too easy being a parent nowadays...from the time they can hold an ipad or phone toddlers are in front of a screen. Instant pacifier/babysitter. Parents need to spend quality time with their children and provide them with rich experiences.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@alohamom I have many times thought this also. Again, another part of that is to nudge, rather than control his interests. It's worth noting for me and I wonder if he were an artistic painter or a writer of poetry or promising sports player and be just as preoccupied. Would I be so opposed.
alohamom · F
@SteelHands Yes, even artists need to take a break and go out and exercise. Athletes need to stop training and nestle down with a good book. Like I wrote earlier, workaholics are just as bad as video game's an addiction.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@alohamom yeah
rckt148 · 61-69, M
I have an 11 yr old
Makes great grades in school
Goes above and beyond to help others (and was awarded 2 awards at school for doing just that ,even protecting others)
He has respect and manners and is a very good leader at 11

now I limit the time he is on a game console ,,
but it does not seem to be harming him

He smokes me gaming ,and I always considered myself pretty good
He is 10 steps ahead of me ,,but ,,I do watch the types of games I let him play ,,and he has a time limit
He also watches video's and actually looks up how to videos when he wants to know how to do something ,,
he is very smart ,tech wise, but he is good at math and reads at 7th grade reading level
As far as my son ,,I don't think I have any reasons for concern ,,but if I see that change
Its also a good alternative to punishment

"if you want to get on your play station I suggest you clean that room young man "

"Yes sir ,consider it done "

He even helped me with the laundry without being asked today
He heard the washer stop running and loaded the laundry in the dryer ,,its in a shed ,not the house
He had other things on his mind besides a game
I was very proud of him .
alohamom · F
@rckt148 Technology is a wonderful thing! But like anything else, it needs to be used properly for the right reasons. Your son is fortunate to have a father who uses technology to enhance his thirst for learning and as a way to spend quality time relaxing. Sadly, it's not like that for too many young children. Good job in raising a fine young boy.
if that's their only activity ever, yes, it's not good.
Yes, it is. I have a cousin who is 13 and he played the video game all day, every day.

He began to get used to it since he was 9. Now it's too late to stop him. Don't ever let kids attach with technology too early. Sooner or later, they will become addicted to it, and nothing can't prevent them from it.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Just a big bit ... It's called addiction
We limit game time no matter what social life with the family is important
Coolkid77 · 31-35, M
Nope, unless it's the only activity that they do. It can be an addiction. As long as they're not playing games over 18+. I play video games a lot, but not that much now. I've been mainly enjoying the summer and being more active going to events with friends.
xixgun · M
They are addictive, however, some games are "open world" and require a great deal of time to cover the distances in the game.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Yeah No I don't know how that could be more interesting than theater or classic literature I'll never know.

Maybe it is but I don't think sohe's got peerage beside him. Can't fault that. Not without faulting their mom's. Don't even doubt nobody discourages him read at least about his contemporary game champions in history.

Those guys. Some of them have yewgggg income jobs promoting and constructing virtual spaces. So I'd tend to lean on no with the disclaimer I'd encourage him read if I could also but know I would fail if not aliernate my kids.
NativeOregonian · 51-55
When I was 11, back in the stone age, we all went outside to play.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@NativeOregonian I'm sorry you didn't have a game console. I would gladly have handed off my Atari's since by then I had TI Tiles Tombstone City Munchman Qubit Space Defender Asteroids Foresman educational game series extended basic Oregon Trail Shipwrecked haunted house frostbite Sub Command Invasion Frogger Pitfalls hockey golf baseball football Math Adventures Word Proccessor Budget trainer Touch typing tutor extended perif memory with voice emulation.
NativeOregonian · 51-55
@SteelHands Why sorry? We all had fun outside. We also had a 2600 with a lot of games, but I was like, meh. I preferred riding my bike and playing tennis and golf with friends.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@NativeOregonian I grew up in black Nd white TV years. I played no pong because it wasn't invented yet.

However. At 11? What about the 5 major distractions? area movie theater? No pool? No bowling alley or basketball courts?
Depends on the game. And whether or not they're doing homework
Maybe, maybe not.
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
That's pretty normal.
Kinkyvisions · 41-45, M
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
Yes. Life is about balance

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