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I Want To Talk About Parenting

Do you teach your children to respect adults? I mean to talk to them with the respect they deserve? I'd be mortified if I found my kids acted the way some kids do nowadays. My coworker was telling me he doesn't respect his teachers calling one a b*tch a** ni**** because she told him to give her his phone he was using during class. The rule is no phones out in class and he actually told her that and thinks he was in the right. I'd have beat his a** and made him turn it over telling her enjoy the phone he doesn't deserve it. That's not even the worst I've heard about kids nowadays and I tell kids did you earn respect? Nope you don't get to decide when you get respect you have to become an adult and then start to earn it. Being born doesn't mean you earned it unless your parents hate you so they don't raise you right. I tell my kids I better never hear them demand respect or not give it to all adults or they will regret acting stupid.
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Yes I taught him how to treat people and My son is a gentleman.
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MissSimpleMind · 41-45, F
Respect is a learned behavior and rarely does the “do as I say and not as I do” approach work. Know a disrespectful rotten kid? Look at their parents. How do they act? You teach your kids respect by showing THEM respect and by showing respect to others in front of them. I teach my kids to respect and value people – not just adults. Even kids deserve respect. They might not be our equal in skill or knowledge, but they are in human dignity. If you treat them as such, they will do the same for you.
Makncheese · 31-35, F
All fault of parents to not raising and treating the children right
acpguy · C
@DancingQueensie I grew up in a ghetto area, had friends that ended up being robbers, drug users, killers and my own brother robbed banks. I worked my ass off from the time I was 11 years old raking leaves, mowing grass, shoveling snow and other odd jobs for money that I saved. I played baseball very well in grade school which got me a scholar ship that paid for a very good private high school that required everyone to have a 3.5 grade point to stay in it. The neighbor hood I grew up in required that you fight to the point of almost killing the person that came after you so I did grow up being able to be very mean. I also made friends with a guy in high school that had a collection of thumbs as trophies. I have seen all kinds of nasty stuff but I thought that was normal. Snowflakes to today do not have a clue what life is going to be like when this country gets totally taken over by liberals / socialists like in Venezuela today.

I have ended up being semi-retired at 45 and owning a consulting business making over $200k per year. So I guess growing up with violence does not make you bad and if anything makes you stronger and often smarter. Kids today are enabled candy asses with out much for brains that I have seen and are the products of school systems controlled by liberals.
DancingQueensie · 46-50, F
@acpguy Oh and btw schools don't teach manners when ghetto shitty parents blame the schools for discipline and trying to teach their kids. You can't teach them shit when parents only put them in school to avoid jail and would rather their kids hustle for parents drug money, parents food bill and more than learn to be better than ghetto parents.
acpguy · C
@DancingQueensie Not too bright I see. Kids will turn out how they turn out matter their surroundings but they can be brainwashed by either their school teachers or parents. I fortunately had both good parents and school teachers and decided despite my surroundings and other I would be better. I agree with the idea that parents on SNAP and have kids to make money off welfare use schools as babysitters but from what I saw they did not hustle parents for drug money they stole and robbed people. The democrat subsidized parents would not give their kids shit. Only rich parents gave their kids money for drugs. You must be one of those that were spoiled or a democrat as you do not have a clue.
xixgun · M
My children, much like I, would be taught to say little to an adult outside of "Yes sir, no sir, yes ma'am, no ma'am".
Miram · 31-35, F
My siblings are a blessing. I am the only person who curses in this family, when the occasion calls for it.

I know that I am blessed because I look at most of their peers and they are nothing similar.
DancingQueensie · 46-50, F
@Miram LOL I cuss enough for my whole family and I come from a family of cussers.
acpguy · C
I grew up answering people with "yes sir / no sir" or "yes mam / no mam" and taught my sons to do the same. I went to private schools and we even answered other students this way and called each other "sir" or Mr.

I really think parents raising entitled children should not have been allowed to have any as the parents nothing but self-absorbed narcissists and they are creating more.
Rightly said.
MethDozer · M
My parents would have whooped my ass. Rightfully so.
MethDozer · M
@DancingQueensie Cell phone does nothing for safety..fact.
MethDozer · M
@MissSimpleMind Common sense is strong in this one
MissSimpleMind · 41-45, F
@DancingQueensie If a situation is so big that there is no one answering the phones, then I assume many parents would be on their way to the school to see what is going on. And for the parents that aren't, I'd assume that news would be traveling pretty fast that they too would be finding a way to get there. I assume this would be the case in only extreme emergencies.

For the average school day, I'm about 99.999% sure you would be able to get a hold of someone at the school IF you really need to speak to your child. If they need to speak to you because they've had explosive diarrhea all day and need you to come pick them up then the simple solution is them calling you on a school phone. Isn't that what we did as kids? Seemed to work pretty good.

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