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I agree
Chaoshead · 22-25, M
As a fellow little brother I must warn you - we are made are to annoy. And we are not easily annoyed.
One time (when I was 10 or so) my brother started playing video games when I wanted to. In retaliation I started singing (annoyingly of course) - he stated that I couldn't annoy him out of the room.
I then continued to sing for the next 30 minutes - it was like a mexican standoff. Sadly, me and my older brother are equally stubborn and my vocal chords had a physical limit. I sang until I could barely speak XD then gave him a handshake for being a worthy opponent. 😎
One time (when I was 10 or so) my brother started playing video games when I wanted to. In retaliation I started singing (annoyingly of course) - he stated that I couldn't annoy him out of the room.
I then continued to sing for the next 30 minutes - it was like a mexican standoff. Sadly, me and my older brother are equally stubborn and my vocal chords had a physical limit. I sang until I could barely speak XD then gave him a handshake for being a worthy opponent. 😎

That's his job, don't make him unemployed!
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
He is little bro... Naa please forgive himm naaa
Well what he done?
Well what he done?

How old?
tarynstillhopes · 22-25, F
@SW-User Freshman in hs

@tarynstillhopes change the Wi-Fi password so he can't play fortnight lol
I’m sure that’s what little brothers are for x
PhoenixPhail · M
Put him in a round house and tell him to go stand in the corner.
Nikki921 · F
I can relate.
adhane05 · 31-35, M
Turn on some girly music and crank it up loud.
Snowsuitboy · M
Show pictures when he's young to his friends
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Very true.
TxOutlawTyler · M
Pants him
ExperienceDLT · M
Zip him up in a sleeping bag throw him in the ocean
Snowsuitboy · M
@ExperienceDLT @ExperienceDLT hehehe Awesome

kick him in the gnads