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So I was just told by my mom that I have three days to get out of the house.

I don't currently have a job because I fell ill and had to stay in bed for a month, I also failed many school subjects because of the same reason. I am slightly worried, but I think if everything goes right, I might have a couple of options to get a place to stay and some money for food and all that (or I might not, but let's hope I do). I honestly have no idea what's gonna happen. Have you ever been in a situation like this? How did you make it work?
I worked for the Dept of Welfare in PA and once you are not in your parents' house you will probably qualify for food stamps, especially with no income. If you have to get out on your own, make that your first stop.
(caution: It's been 8 yrs since I left and things may have changed).
MikeSp · 56-60, M
If you are over the age of majority in your state, you are considered an adult and emancipated unless there are laws that mandate a parent's continued support, and you can be forced to leave. You have several options for a safe place to sleep, good food, continuing education, employment counseling, and temporary financial support. If you need to, call or visit the agencies near you that assist the homeless and families in need. Don't be anxious about the future. If you are physically and mentally fit, and have skills that an employer wants, then it will work out. Your state probably has a job listings site that you can join to look for jobs and put your availability on there. If you don't already have other internet access, go to your public library and use theirs.
johnny253 · 70-79, M
Being that you were sick. It wasn't your fault so she should have been more understanding🤔
brokenwhiskeyglass · 22-25, M
@johnny253 I thought so too, but she doesn't seem to care about that.
Is there sick leave, workmen’s compensation or a doctor’s note? @johnny253
Fernie · F
@brokenwhiskeyglass we only have your side of the story. I'm not going to judge your Mother might be a pain in the ass. You are an adult...go get a job and live your life
With this financial situation you’re in, renting a place wouldn’t be a good idea regarding the fact that you don’t have a job. If your mom has a car, ask her to give it to you as if it’s the last thing she will do for you before you leave her. You need transportation and somewhere to sleep, a car can cover both of them. For a job, you gotta figure out what you’re best at and find a compatible job but you gotta stay open to any other jobs you can get as well. You’ll work your way up from there as you gain more and more experience at doing your jobs. Once you’ve managed to support yourself with a quality income, it’s time to think of saving up to rent a place instead of sleeping in your car.
Yes. I joined the military. They provided what I needed. The process takes more than 3 days though. 😕
@Fernie Way to be dramatic. The question was whether I'd been in a similar situation. I said what I did in the similar situation. I never said "You should do this!" Ever. I. Never. Said that. Understand? I was answering the question.
Fernie · F
@SW-User again...oh, great advice...we have a maniac in the white house wetting his pants to go to war and you're suggesting this kid join the military and die
@Fernie You're using me as an excuse to complain about Trump. Noted.
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Fernie · F
@BlueClapTrap Same here!
NeuroticByNature · 41-45, F
That isnt legal. I suggest looking for a job immediately but legally in most places she has to give you a longer notice.
TheProphet · M
@NeuroticByNature Not true at all. He is a son not a renter. He goes when his parents say so.
TheProphet · M
@Mamapolo2016 No she doesn't.
@TheProphet LOL. Got your referee whistle there?
trackboy · 22-25, M
that is real mean mom. you have no way of supporting yourself. and its not your fault you was sick. what was you sick with?? she cant boot you out.
TheProphet · M
@trackboy It really isn't important at all. In 45 years I've never been asked to show it or any of my college degrees either.
trackboy · 22-25, M
@TheProphet most places wont hire you with out a high school diploma even the low pay low skilled job. they use that to weed out a lot of the applicants as there are hundreds or thousands applying for every job here. and the better jobs require a degree and they want to see that degree before hiring you.
Fernie · F
@trackboy there are plenty of jobs that don't require a high school're just another 18-21 year old with the same mindset.
johnny253 · 70-79, M
When I graduated, the first day after, my father said to me "GET A JOB".
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johnny253 · 70-79, M
johnny253 · 70-79, M
Preschool isn't very likely@TheeOriginalEXLover
trackboy · 22-25, M
its settled case law that your parents have to support you while your in high school even when you turn 18 as many high school seniors turn 18 during their senior year. otherwise you would have students booted out during their senior year then having to drop out of school to work enough hours to pay for a ghetto apartment and foods and no time for school anymore. you need to tell your mom they have to keep you at home until you graduate. 😺
why did she say that
That's not normal for mums to say that to their kids
brokenwhiskeyglass · 22-25, M
@SW-User Yeah, my mom has never been very mother-like, so to say.
Fernie · F
@brokenwhiskeyglass I'd throw you out too if you didn't contribute. Is she the only one making money and paying the bills?
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
Depends on what your illness is I guess.
@brokenwhiskeyglass I did not know that. I retract my statement. Question. Whatever. I take it back
brokenwhiskeyglass · 22-25, M
@Mikemcneil Yes, I will try looking for a job, problem is, I probably won't be paid right away and I kinda need the money right now, but I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the advice. ✌
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
@brokenwhiskeyglass no worries. This could be a good thing for you. Independence is scary but worth it.
Chickie · F
You have my empathy, I don't know your mother and I want to say some things about her but that's not my place. It's very judgy that people in the comments are assuming that you're some bum they don't know your situation. All I can suggest is maybe call up a friend if you have one and ask them if you can crash at their place for a moment, seek a homeless shelter, or find a job asap. I'm sorry I'm not much help.

I knew that my sister's best friend was in a similar situation her mother kicked her out for stupid reason and she was even contributing to the household join military is hardcore but I things get better for you, it's up to you but if I were you I wouldn't go back to that house or answer her calls.

She might be one of those narcissistic parents.
brokenwhiskeyglass · 22-25, M
@Chickie Thank you for the advice, I think that's actually what I'm gonna do, I might stay at a friend's place for a little while until I find another place to stay. And yeah, in my situation, I think I should get a job as soon as possible. 😬

I don't plan on coming back either, knowing my mom, I probably wouldn't last very long in the house the second time, also, things with her have been a little hectic lately, so I don't think it's a good idea that I come back, for the both of us.
Fernie · F
@Chickie he isn't even looking for a job. He said himself his Mother is tossing him because she is the only bread winner in the house and he does not contribute. Don't enable him...he has to get a job or go
Chickie · F
@Fernie Whatever you say
trackboy · 22-25, M
wont she suffer the empty nest syndrome without you? my parents would suffer the empty nest syndrome without me and they would have no one to chase rift raff out of the yard.
She has to evict him
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