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I Am Not Very Close With My Relatives

I am breaking off from my blood sister & brother because they never communicate with me anyways since the death of our father back in 2015. I am the little black sheep of the family any ways. Always been weird & viewed things differently. A real embarrassment to be exact.

But other reasons for break away from my sister, she gave me broken yard equipment. I had the know-how in getting them to run. She wanted them back Scott free since she gave them to me for free - that way she can sell them and make money off of them. She gave me basket case equipment that didn't run & were broken. I fixed the broken parts & got the engines to run.

Same thing with the car I bought off of her. It was a 1998 Cavalier coupe (2-door). According to what she was told, the transaxle has a broken case. So I took it on a whim thinking it might not last long for me as well. She wanted to get rid of it, so I paid her $800 for it. This was back in 2009 or 2010. Come to find out the transaxle oil pan bolts were finger loose and just barely hanging on. That explains why someone puts in a quart of ATF and it immediately spills on the ground. Then there is the transaxle shift issues, at highway speed it runs fine. But when you slow down the transaxle wouldn't downshift & it would stall the engine. I unplugged a cable going into the transaxle, said to be the power for the electric solenoid that applies the torque converter clutch. Well, it had no more shift issues since I unplugged that cord. There was only a marginal change in fuel consumption. Then there was the brakes. I had to replace the front rotors as the pads were grinding metal to metal. And the drums also had to be replaced as the shoes were metal to metal grinding.

There too I was told to either to pay her more now for that car since I got the car to run better, or give the car back to her for free so she can sell it to get her money back out of that car. I bought the car with what was assumed to be a broken transaxle case and a permanently damaged transaxle with shifting problems. It also had all four brakes grinding metal to metal. So I ended up paying allot more than $800 for that car.

As to my brother, I don't have his phone number any more. Don't know where he lives now. We're on FB, but when I ask a question or mention something to him - I never get a reply back. I am going to get rid of FB anyways, it clutters up my phone something terribly.

The only bother & sister's I talk to any more, half brother & sister in PA and the other half sister in MO.

Lesson #1: NEVER buy or take free stuff from your siblings EVER AGAIN!!

Guaranteed, if the shoe was on the other foot - I am totally out of luck.
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moment · 22-25, M
I dunno what to say but my uncles n ant do the same with my father ... my father is the eldest and always took care of them like his children but now things have change , as all of them are settled and specially after the death of my grandparents (who were used gather us all time to time), they rarely contact us .. like barely twice or thrice a year ! .. first it felt bad but then didn't care about their behavior and we love them, no matter we meet twice a year, whenever we meet, we make sure its one of the best day they'll ever have, we don't complain about their behavior or the unfair they did but just smile, do stupid stuff, games music because we care about our late grandparents more than them and want to continue the legacy of our grandparents and most of all, they all have kids!, so we don't want our future generations to act like this... don't let the noise of others distract you from doing positive , our time is limited, this life is a trial not bed of roses , we are tested by the ones close to us , this does not matter what they did to us but what we did to them and what legacy we will leave behind .. I always wish when I meet my grandparents on the other side, I want see them proud of me ...

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