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Being misunderstood is extremely irritating to me. I rather not bother expressing myself to you if you lack the ability to get it.

Might as well talk to that mosquito glued to the wall after I slammed it with the back of my shoe.
Classified · M
It's annoying when people start accusing me of things because they interpret my words differently than I intended them or add more to it then I said.

Even though I know some subjects are sensitive, being hostile because I'm misunderstood often made me tired and caused me to not say anything at all next times.
Elessar · 26-30, M
I don't bother being genuinely misunderstood and having to clarify, what puts me into "now I'm going to destroy you" mode is being *purposefully* misunderstood.
MellyMel22 · F
It can be seriously frustrating.
Your words are always so,colourful 👍. Artistic even 😊.
It's frustrating not being understood
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