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My middle sister took over my decluttering task and moved it forward…

I had been initially embarrassed to ask her, but I told her what I was trying to accomplish and she came over bright & early (at 7:00 😴am) yesterday with cleaning tools and garbage bags.

This is someone with whom I’ve reluctantly watched "Hoarders" while she described "all they’d have to do to get a handle on the problem". So we worked on my bedroom until she put me out and sent me to work on one of the closets.

Last night, at about 9:00, haulers had come and taken away bags from my 22 year sojourn in this dwelling, and I was very happy. I fixed her a snack, we hugged and she headed on home. I did some sweeping and vacuuming, then realized I couldn’t find stuff…😳
"Dee, do you remember where you put my coat ?"

"I hung it up in the closet, where it should’ve been." (I keep it on a hook by the front door)

I sat down to watch my Roku and was told I had no internet service. I checked my DSL and discovered my phone had been unplugged.
I found the phone, crawled under the bookcase to reach the Jack and all was well. "You said you don’t use the landline for calls", she shrugged.

I’m grateful, really, really I am. 😬
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
Yeah I'd definitely be frustrated too 😅 I hate when things aren't where I'm used to them being. But most of what she organized probably made a lot of sense & hopefully saved you a lot of time & thought 🙏 the new layout will just take some getting used to lol
@ChiefJustWalks Yes, that’s basically it. 😄
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
Sounds like my half sister. When she gets her clean on everything goes!

I on the other hand try to clear out but I somehow end up accumulating things to replace what I threw out.

I don't consider myself a hoarder. More a sentimental person especially for things like birthday cards.
@Mellowgirl Apparently I’m not quite a hoarder. According to her, since one can see my floors and move around freely, I’m not there. 😂
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@bijouxbroussard it's OK... We all have our things. But I don't think you are a hoarder. Some people are ocd
SeaGlass · F
Congrats and so generous of your sister to help rearrange your world 😅

My mom's name is Dee (her nickname for her middle name) :)
SeaGlass · F
@bijouxbroussard I'm pretty excited, nervous and sometimes teary. My dad passed 5 years ago. I wish he could be here to meet her with me.

It's interesting how relationships evolve over lifetimes. We are still blessed, despite all the changes.
@SeaGlass Indeed. Best wishes when you meet. 🤗
SeaGlass · F
@bijouxbroussard Thank you, bb 🤗
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
Ahhhh this would drive me nuts 😅
Ive got to admit, its always easier to clean up someone elses place, than your own.

That was a really good idea, (as short term frustrating as its gonna be), she'll help free you from chaos.

I need this.
Someone to come in, and go thru my stuff brutally - im too connected to too many things.

Good onya👍

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