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Made Mums Day ❤️❤️

Sometimes words are never enough to emphasize the importance of parents and this case My Mum ❤️

Regarding my last post, I found out mums situation with her parents. So I made it my duty somehow to do something special for her.

She's part of a religious organization and many other charity events and activities.

Some of the people she helped wanted to get something for her as a gift and that gave me an idea. I secretly arranged a get together with these people and without her knowing. Basically I made it an appreciation event for all that she does for everyone.

Took her there as a surprise and she was in tears.
Everyone from friends family and strangers opened up to how valuable she is to them

And I couldn't control my emotions but I closed up by emphasizing what a pillar and role model she is to me and that how much similar to a parent she is to so many people also.

She couldn't stop thanking me and and tears rolling. But it eventually made her feel so special.
I can never take away the pain she went through but I wanted to show how important she is to everyone and how blessed I am to have her ❤️

Love u mum 🌹🌹
Gangstress · 41-45, F Best Comment
Thats so sweet
Thank you so much 😊
Gangstress · 41-45, F
@SilentKiller thank you for sharing

Im gonna call my mum x
@Gangstress all will definitely be well ❤️❤️

Thank you for appreciating my post 🤗

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