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Friday was Pop’s birthday…

And I had every intention of spending a couple of days there.

But I woke up that morning sick as could be. I don’t know why, but my stomach was so upset. I called Pop, feeling horrible (both physically and guilty). I FaceTimed him from bed, explained what was happening, then asked him, "if you could have any dessert delivered to you, what would you like ?"

He brightened visibly, thought for a moment, then said, "Pecan pie. I haven’t had that in a long time."

I checked the Nations in the area and they had pecan pie. I asked to talk to my baby sister, she reassured me Pop has no sugar issues (he’d been to the doctor last week for a check-up). Sis added, "You got that from MOM’s side of the family !" Bless my sister’s heart. 🙄

So I had the pie DoorDashed there and my sister FaceTimed me when it arrived. They opened the box and it was huge. Pop was so happy. He asked, "Do I still get a birthday cake ?" My sister asked him, “Do you still want one ?" I heard my niece’s voice off-camera, saying "He doesn’t need a cake, too ! And we don’t have enough candles—we’d basically have to set it on fire !"

Pop said, cheerfully, "I’m being told I don’t need a birthday cake, too ! And the prospect of 92 candles is rather daunting." My sister
told him, "If you really want a cake, we’ll get you one, don’t worry." Pop reassured us that he was very happy with the pie.

I spoke with them for a bit more, then told them I loved them and that I’d be visiting soon. 🥺

bookerdana · M
And they say technology doesn't help your quality of life😀 Between the door dash and face time it was a great Birthday,indeed.....feel better
@bookerdana Thank you. In a way we did get to visit.
I love these stories of yours. You show your love, and it's expressed within the words of your Pops how much he takes with love your love.
fun4us2b · M
You made it special! And now you have a make up visit to plan for, so it's a double birthday!
That was a brilliant idea. Take good care, and you'll be able to hug him soon.
Piper · 61-69, F
You did the best you could with what was in your control. What a wonderful thing that were able to add happiness to your dad's birthday, even though you couldn't physically be there.

Hope you will be able to actually hug him, soon.
@Piper Yes. Hopefully in the coming week.
JustNik · 51-55, F
These are the times I love technology. It’s hard not to be there, but you could still bring joy and see it from a distance, which is lovely. Excellent idea on the dessert delivery! 😄 I hope you get some good rest and feel right as rain very soon. 🤗
@JustNik Thank you. This morning was better. 🤗
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Even though you've been feeling sick, I smiled while reading this

I've always enjoyed reading about how you and your father relate to each other.

And....I'm a fan of pecan pie too!
OverTheHill · 56-60, M
Bittersweet story. You made the best of it despite your illness, and your Dad seemed grateful for your expression of love on his birthday.
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@Justice4All I am, so far, thank you. 😊
How wonderful! You’re all so lucky to have each other. Hope you’re feeling better and a very Happy Birthday to your beloved Pop. ❤️
Sounds like a lovely sweet family. Happy birthday to him ✨🎈🎈 sorry you missed that and feel better soon!
meggie · F
Get better soon. Hope Pop enjoys the pie
@meggie He says it was very good ! Nations does make awesome pies. 😊
meggie · F
@bijouxbroussard if he likes apple cake i can send you a lovely recipe
@meggie I’d like that, thank you.
Aww. That's so sweet🧁. Happy Birthday, Pop. Stay hydrated💗. Now you got me wanting some pecan pie😭.
TakeCare87 · 36-40, M
Hmmm. I think you gave me whatever you have over SW because my stomach is a mess
@TakeCare87 Oh, no ! I don’t envy you that. 🥺
Ontheroad · M
Happy Birthday to your Dad, and I hope you get well soon!
@Ontheroad Thank you. This morning was better. 😊
TakeCare87 · 36-40, M
On a serious note, glad dad's is happy. Hope he had an awesome day 😁
@TakeCare87 I believe he did. While we were on the phone, the cousins and his friends were texting him birthday greetings.
TakeCare87 · 36-40, M
And I hope you get better ☺️
@TakeCare87 Thank you. You, too. 😊
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
As time goes on, if it's one thing I have accepted, it's that everything can be rescheduled: birthdays, holidays, you name it. Covid hammered that home. That's a great excuse to make even more plans, as I have with my family. I work a second shift, and even worse on Sundays. And even worse, my cheapass employer just took our comp days away(in lieu of pay). So, rescheduling things has been closer to the norm!

The way you made all of that work was amazing!
@JoyfulSilence That’s perfect. 😃
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

I looked for one with lots of candles, to no avail. Most of the images were actually for candles in the shape of mini pecan pies. I bet they smelled like pie!

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