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How should I react to my brother going through a divorce this Christmas?

I have never seen eye to eye with my brother.
However to keep up appearances with my family I did go to his wedding and wish him look.

With his him being with his soon to be X 10 years before his marriage it just seems odd that that the relationship has ended after less than 2 years of marriage.
Your 2nd post about how odd it is .. maybe focus on your own life and be less judgey about his situation. If you were not in his life you have no idea what's gone on.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Your Brothers life is his own.
Your opinion on his marriage wouldn't be wanted if they were together and they certainly won't be wanted if they're now apart.
Fluffybull · F
Are you married? If not maybe you're not qualified to judge another person's marriage issues. If you are married maybe focus on your own relationship????
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
You asked about this last week
Brasceo · 41-45, M
Share your wife

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