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Mum - Paving The Way ❤️

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Nothing ever stops you

From dealing with the loss of your brother to these amazing achievements:

1. 20 year service award
2. Best employee
3. Over achiever
4. Most friendliest
5. Perfect health record

How do you match up to that?

I was serious when I say that I'm not even half of what u are and u still give me every moment to be proud of you and to be your son. Instead of being called Shawn, the proudest and most valuable privilege is to be known as "Molly's Son"

I only ever wish that I get the opportunity to make u even 25% proud of me one day.

I love u mum, with every nerve, vein, artery and Fibre in my being and the most privileged to be your son
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candycane · 36-40, F
Very sweet I hope u sent her this too❤️
@candycane aww thank you so much ❤️
Well I was put on the spot to speak on her behalf. Jus managed to get everything said before breaking down as my emotions got to me. Guess I love her too much 🌹🌹

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