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Copy & pasted this!!! I love this🥰

to my toddler who doesn’t know how to control her emotions, who doesn’t understand why we have to leave the baby chicks in the store, or that’s she can’t have the toy off the shelf at TJ MAXX because she has the same exact toy in her toy box that she hardly plays with, or the person she waved at didn’t acknowledge her waving. I hear you. I see that these are your feelings, I see that you’re overwhelmed and tired, I see that you want to be heard.

To the public, I see your death glares as I’m walking out of the store so you can enjoy your shopping with my toddler on hip bucking, kicking, hitting, & scratching me in the face. I hear the whispers to one another, seeing the thoughts of how you think I should handle the situation.

Part of me felt embarrassed that my child was acting like this, some would say “pop them on the butt and make them stop”

Pop them for what? Expressing that they’re probably on a sugar high & 3 hours past their nap time and it’s my fault

Kids aren’t perfect guys, humans aren’t perfect.

Sincerely, one very overwhelmed momma to the next. 🤍
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Valerian · 100+, M
Yeah! That's a Vun thing huh? Other people nonverbally condemning you to Hell!

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