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I’m walking with a very happy daughter!

Although it is Friday she is so very surprised that no homework has been set, and she is jumping around that it means she has a lot more time to herself this weekend. I am not going to upset her by saying that I will set some things for her to do. Certainly she will have additional reading for her to enhance her ability, she can finish the book she has been reading.

Edoardo will be meeting us at her ballet 🩰 class shortly and we will be going home together. He doesn’t have his car so he will likely stay the whole weekend if we can coax him to. I’m sure Chiara will be happy with that too, from all she has been saying so far. We have a short drive to get to her ballet teacher.

Valentina is a retired dancer who has had a couple of schools before she came to Rome. Now she gives tuition to girls aged nine to fifteen and she has smaller classes so she can give very close teaching to the girls she accepts. Chiara has been fortunate to be accepted by her, but she noticed my daughter has some promise.

Chiara has her ballet clothes in an extra bag in the trunk of the car, which she will exchange as we get in to go to the small church hall that the school uses three days a week. I usually wait with some of the other parents, sometimes we watch but most of the time we go to the coffee shop next door.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Chaira is obviously talented to be accepted into a private school! Hope she enjoys the dance and excels!
Sounds like you have a great weekend planned and am hoping you all enjoy each others company!!
Ximenajacoba · 26-30, F
@Quimliqer Thank you so much!
mclovin02 · 41-45, M
It sounds like you have a very happy daughter and a wonderful weekend ahead of you.

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