@oogirl in some cases people are uncertain about their job or ability to provide for kids. They might know in such cases doing marriage and having kids is not possible. Unless the other person is also ok with not having kids.
@oogirl out of desire to have a relationship/partner. It doesn't feel good not having a partner when young. It willl not feel same having a partner when get old, we don't look same when old.
@oogirl I think there might be a chance if the both people are ok with the stability of not finding a job and not having kids. But it might be harder to find someone who will be ok with it.
@oogirl Btw you seem too young, be careful in online websites . There are many perverts and perverted posts in this website who share and ask personal sexual information. I suggest not use this website or instantly block such people and posts
@sahi81 Yeah I am young but it kind of does not matter. I have a boyfriend and we have known each other literally since we were babies because our parents are close friends and used to be next door neighbors and whatever happens I will be his wife some day