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Think I’ve been doing hugs wrong.

Tonight an old buddy who I hadn’t seen in years came into work. I only had a few minutes to fan girl over the moment of reconnecting presenting itself, but when he embraced me…a good several seconds into it he tightened his arms that were wrapped around me. He tenderly but firmly squeezed me in a way that hasn’t been felt that often in my life and it made me forget everything terrible within my life. He held his grip for what felt like…I have no clue. Time stopped. But within that unknown time frame I felt my entire being wanting to crumble in his arms. It was like all the weight my head and heart have been carrying finally found this safe place where it could just let everything go. Every tear held back, every scrap of newly birthed fear suppressed, every trapped urge to scream at the top of my lungs out of frustration and confusion was magically vanquished from my twisted insides when he pulled me tighter into his chest. I wanted to break so badly. I wanted to tell him everything that has happened lately finally feeling the safe place to do so, but I was honestly more overcome by how good…how free…how genuinely loved I felt to let any of that ridiculous turn of events after another tarnish it. I just breathed deeply, held my eyes closed, and smiled. I’m still not over it as I continue to ride the wave of love he brought my way through such a simple yet powerful gesture.

His hug is how a person is supposed to hug. I get that now and I’ll go forward in life applying that same squeeze to every person I wrap my arms around, whether they have darkness hiding within them or not. Everyone should feel what I felt in that moment. It’s…damn. It’s everything.
Glad you got that hug and it made you feel that way. A great hug can do wonders for people.

When i left my last office, i hug a person like that and she told me no one had ever hug her like that.
@PerfectionOfTheHeart It is a gift and know you needed it so much.
PerfectionOfTheHeart · 46-50, F
@Sojournersoul Achingly so.
metamorphosis · 22-25, FVIP
Aww! I love this so much! He must be a really good friend
PerfectionOfTheHeart · 46-50, F
@metamorphosis He’s a good one, but the dude went up a few notches on the list after that.
metamorphosis · 22-25, FVIP
@PerfectionOfTheHeart umm I can completely understand that. Is there a spark?
PerfectionOfTheHeart · 46-50, F
@metamorphosis In another life there would be. But not in this one.
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
Wow, you're making me want to hug him.
THAT is a perfect description--WOW! So very real, complete, complicated...and transformed into *simple*...

Your writing is simply amazing!
metamorphosis · 22-25, FVIP
@SomeMichGuy that really was incredibly written wasn’t it?
@metamorphosis YEAH! sheesh

That's REAL writing
metamorphosis · 22-25, FVIP
@SomeMichGuy I only wish I could write like that
justbob · 61-69, M
It's more than technique. The same hug from a stranger would just be creepy. It felt the way it did because it came from a friend.
I swear hugs are a skill some have... And some don't.

And there are so many types of hugs !

Tailoring tje right one, to the right person at th right time is art.

Amd you made that one sound truly delicious 🤗
I was half easing into it from here 😂

Half jealous and half so happy you got to feel it for real.

Now i want one of them 😩
DrWatson · 70-79, M
This was so moving to read.
Hugs like that are priceless, and you described it so well
It is great to hug old friends. 🙂
Teslin · M
Well said !!
JustNik · 51-55, F
Beautiful ❤️
I did that to a woman fairly recently and she said the same thing. Then she called me the next day yelling at me because her back hurt. 🤦🏻‍♂️

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