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I Miss My Grandfather Who Passed Away

When I was a kid, my grandfather told me stories of his life in a tiny village in the very poor Spain in the beginning of 20th century. Stories of how his first wife and three kids died of illnesses that today are easily cured, but were deadly then. From my grandfather I learnt that life can be really hard, and that I was lucky to live in times of peace and prosperity.

My grandfather had many different jobs to keep his family afloat. From 1933 and 1935 he belonged to a military police force. Those were really troubled times in a country who would see a civil war starting soon.

Today I learnt from my mother that my grandfather was briefly assigned to a post in the town where I am currently working and living in, and most important, that he was a great great man.

He was fired from the police force as a consequence of his refusal to take part in the shooting of a group of alleged political adversaries, including a pregnant woman. Taking such a decision was very risky then, it could mean being labelled a dissident and getting into trouble. Fortunately nothing happened to him.

My grampa died when I was a teenager. I wish I could have had more talks and spent more time with him. My grampa was a hero.
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RopinTexan · 36-40, M
He sounds like a great dude! That's truly heroic that he risked his career for the sake of his values. I hope he wasn't fired, do you know?

I'm assuming his first family died of Spanish Flu, right? Is all of your family a result of his second wife/your grandmother, or did he have any surviving family members from his first wife?
Cierzo · M
@RopinTexan Not Spanish flu (I hate that name, its origin was not in Spain), but of illnesses such as meningitis or cholera.

No surviving members from his first marriage. My family comes from his second wife.
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Cierzo · M
@kingkyri We do not really realise how lucky we are to have lived in times of peace (fingers crossed). My other grandfather was about to be killed while fighting in our civil war too.

You should share your uncle's story here too.
novembermoon · 51-55
He was truly a hero! And it is great that this story was told. World events may change and world leaders may come and go. At the end, it is stories of love and courage that endure. What else could be better than if they come from our families. These are stories that need to be told and passed on.
Cierzo · M
@novembermoon This is what human history has been since man appeared on Earth, to decide whether your values or your full stomach comes first.
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
He had his heart in the right spot, as we say. He must have had a very interesting life.

You must miss him.
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
@Cierzo Some things you can only understand with age and life experience.

Cierzo · M
@Mugin16 Wrong word, misfortunes is the right one.
Children dying at a young age, bastards benefitting from his generosity.
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
@Cierzo The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away or something like that. Many children died very young back then.
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
Wonderful story and photo! It's so great when we know the history of our ancestors. It was a good read:)
Cierzo · M
@ravenwind43 I wish I had known this when I was a teen. But, on the other hand, I wonder if I would have valued then his behaviour the way it deserves.
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
@Cierzo I see what you mean. We view those things with new eyes as we mature.
Cierzo · M
@ravenwind43 Yes. I am not sure, but when I was a teen I may have considered his behaviour foolish.
JustNik · 51-55, F
Wonderful post Cierzo! It’s a shame we so often lose them before we’re old enough to really appreciate them.
Cierzo · M
@JustNik He really taught me a lot about life.
Noble · 56-60, M
Beautiful post, and great teachings!

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