Been there you are going to get through this ((hugs))
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Teddybear · M
Hang in there. Your freedom to be yourself is well worth it and more. Be patient and pray for wisdom and guidance from above! I made it through also. It was toxic but doing so marvelous now!!!😁👍👼s
Teddybear · M
Make it a new beginning. It may seem so difficult and is painful at times, but its not the end of the world. You will be happier in time...don't be too hard on yourself its all 👍,
chillock · 61-69, M
Here is a belated shoutout! If I would have been a member when you wrote this, I would have given you a shoutout then. Hope all is well.
Paulo · 56-60, M
I'm in middle of a rough divorce, she cheated on me. I know all the feelings of sorrow, guilt and anger. Still waiting for the silver lining.
Beachlover · M
So sad to hear that , if you want someone to chat with be happy to say hello
Monknut · 36-40, M
I'm going through one too, I know how you feel, if you ever want to talk.
thelez69 · 26-30, M
Sorry to hear, any way I can help?
496sbc · 36-40, M
Wowo thats a shame. Hope to talk to u and see if i can help. Can i pm u.
Newfrommars · 46-50, M
Sorry about that.
Ashleycole160 · 26-30, F
I'm sorry to hear that
Jennagurl · 46-50, T
It can be painful.
specialED1256 · 56-60, M
I love chatting
Nerdsmith · 51-55, M
It sucks but I'm rooting for you. They say it isn't about winning or losing... but you should definitely win this divorce.
Coppercoil · M
Hey.. sorry. That sucks.