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Why is “ we just grew apart” or “because I wanted to” not a good enough reason for divorce it seems?

cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Some people refuse to grow up is often the problem. So if someone says “we grew apart” it could be one of them was being selfish and not wanting to change anything for the sake of the marriage. Can’t judge others unless you’ve walked in their shoes. And not everyone wants to go into the painful details of everything that went wrong.
TexChik · F
@nedkelly I think she is good example of a demon with rotting flesh. She looks nothing like she did when she was trying to get discovered. She has definitely gone to the dark side.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@TexChik she has been on the dark side for the longest time now. Over 30 years ago sold a book titled Sex with explicit photos including dressed as a little girl and ones with puppies licking her. I believe she was a major corrupting influence for up-and-coming stars inviting them to her home for weeks and they’d come back well-trained as media publicity stunt media whores.
Fluffybull · F
@cherokeepatti Exactly. Often it's better to say "we grew apart" than to bore the s**t out of people by endless stories of an ex-partner's faults.......😉
TexChik · F
Before marriage, the fun is falling in love, dating, and the crazy wild intimacy. After marriage its a challenge for both partners to make it work with each wanting what they want but also wanting a happy spouse. Communicating everything is harder than it sounds, but for those that can do it, marriage is bliss. For those that dont, they just grown apart.
It's never just that
There's always more
Because we don’t marry to get divorce one day… because we don’t fall out of love just in a second … and because we walk a path together and gradually separate that path …

This is how I asked for a divorce from my ex husband ….
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
Depends on which state or country you are in I suppose.
minxy · 46-50, F
Seems anytime I mention being divorced, it's automatically assumed he cheated on me or something equally juicy.
Then they are disappointed when I say that we grew apart.
Like it has to be something dramatic.
Unless your advances are being rejected we grew apart could easily be used as an excuse rather than them doing/not doing x caused me to lose attraction. I wanted to at least takes some responsibility
dale74 · M
Well at marriage you made a promise to love t8ll death nobof that is as bad as death.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
They really really really want you to make it work.

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