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School is hard and being a single parent.

I’m so overwhelmed , I’m a bit behind in my work for class I’m rushing to retain all this information from 3 classes and it’s hard.. I know I can catch up o just gotta stay persistent Im glad my son Sleeps by 8pm but most days I’m exhausted. Iv been trying to get organized and i have been telling myself.. to take it easy not to be hard on myself , I’m scared of failing so bad I might give up but I know deep inside I need to keep trying all the time. The battle within me is very hard , iv been battling depression and anxiety for a long time. I signed up for a dv group I’m hoping it will help me and hopefully make some friends or something . I deleted all social media for the sake of me paying attention to my schooling .My health has been a bit bad , like my foot has a wart which makes it painful to walk ,my back hurts from sleeping on a mattress on the floor for so long, so it makes me extra drowsy . I been trying to eat healthier because my dr said if I keep on the route I’m going .I can get diabetes.. I’m almost there , it’s really hard.. I’m trying everyday
eyeno · M
Being a Single parent is hard I know, been there.
(Raised my son from 18mo. - 18yrs. of age.)

The big picture
Focus on your childs needs first and as for you, prioritize what you need from what you want.
The rewards will be fulfilling and everlasting.

MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
Aww, you are awesome, I know it's overwhelming but just keep doing the best you can ❤️
Funlov · M
It gets easier hold on hold out. You’ll look back on these years. Your treasure of them I do.
MonaReeves86 · 36-40, F
You can do it if you can be a good parent you can do anything
AnommonA86 · 36-40, F
What are you studying

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