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What is something nobody warns people about enough when it comes to having kids?

StraightLacedLADY · 41-45, F
Kids require A LOT of sacrifice. There is no 'me-time' unless it can be stolen for a few minutes during nap time, or inside a locked bathroom, or paid for, bribed, or begged from a loved one. Forget ever being able to sleep in again... once they grow up it's concerts, games, doctors appointments, play dates, birthdays, and the list goes on.

Kids are also a long term investment. Never know if they'll pay dividends but it's a damn fun ride watching them grow.

When truly unselfishly invested in them, kids bring a satisfaction to a human soul that is almost uncomparable. They never turn out they way we think, they have minds and personalities of their own, and as a small payment, we get to go along for a short while and watch.
Because of our love for them they also have the ability to challenge ourselves like no one else is able. Its the most frustrating, exhausting, absolutely infuriating, satisfying, transformative, heart swelling experience ever.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
@StraightLacedLADY Fabulous synopsis on children!!
IAMAhab · 26-30, M
They're not always gonna be a little mini-me for you to live through vicariously. They could could be a total rebel with their own personality... so I've heard. I don't have any kids.
Patientlywaiting · 46-50, F
The number of random hard plastic things that appear inside your home on the floor. You will have no idea what it is, where it came from or how your bare foot found it in the middle of the night but you dare not throw it out because it will definitely be a crucial part of one of their toys if you do! It's also an enduring mystery how many times you will place the random hard plastic items on the kitchen windowsill only for them to reappear on the floor the next day but... Nobody will ever admit to how they got there!
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Those that seek attention should have a few! 😆

Kids are a mirror into the parents personality.
akindheart · 61-69, F
it takes dedication to be a parent. Admitting when you are wrong and growing up with them too
That it's the hardest job they'll ever have,
and no matter how much effort they put in,
they will still make plenty of mistakes - probably when they're least aware of it.
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
It's not worth it

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