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WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
I almost lost my mind when my daughter started kindergarten this year… she’s been with me everyday for her 5 yrs haha
When my son goes I will be the same way
It feels like day by day is normal but before I even noticed, 5yrs flew right by me. Sometimes I just hold them extra tight/close to fully cherish them as they are, because they grow and change so quickly
When my son goes I will be the same way
It feels like day by day is normal but before I even noticed, 5yrs flew right by me. Sometimes I just hold them extra tight/close to fully cherish them as they are, because they grow and change so quickly
I’m not a mom but they dooo. Make sure to take lots of pics and videos of each phase of their life because you’ll miss them once they're all grown up and start to get embarrassed of you in front of their teenage school friends 😅
PhoenixPhail · M
Don't blink. You'll be a grandmother before you know it.
IWasCallingYaLarry · 26-30, M
Same. I have too lol.
Spoiledbrat · F
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
It goes by way too quickly