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I Love Babies And Small Children

Babies are just the cutest things ever
I saw a little baby girl in a pram today and she was laughing for ages
Anyone else love kids? ❤️
Effloresce · 26-30, F
I love babies and small kids 💕 They suck the energy right out of me though
Ellie65StarRoberts · 22-25, F
@Effloresce yeah but I think they are totally worth it
Kids in general? No. My nieces and nephews? Yeah, they have a way of putting a smile on my face.
Ellie65StarRoberts · 22-25, F
@SW-User aww I don’t have any nieces or nephews
But I absolutely love all kids
@Ellie65StarRoberts I’ve 5 nieces and 4 nephews. 😌 They’re good. They put me in my place and cheer me back up.
Ellie65StarRoberts · 22-25, F
@SW-User that’s so adorable
lovingdead · 31-35, M
Children can be both awesome and horrible little monsters....but more often than not awesome
I haven't really decided either way, but I'm not great with them.
Ellie65StarRoberts · 22-25, F
@SW-User that’s cool
Some people are just not meant to be parents but that’s completely normal
@Ellie65StarRoberts But something inside me keeps saying that I want to be one. But since it'll never happen anyway, it seems a moot point.

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