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I Hate Babies

I think the ability to create life is interesting in a way and they are needed to keep mankind alive (if that's a good thing) but that's all. They make me uneasy, they're gross, loud, smelly and you constantly need to take care of them. The last one seems kinda obvious but just think about doing something with your life and nope, gotta take care of it or find someone to do it for you. Wanna hang out with friends? Sorry gotta take care of my baby. Or maybe they wanna hang out with their baby and it disturbs everyone else in the theaters, in the bus, restaurants, stores or wherever they went. What a bummer.

People always ask you to hold their baby and then don't like it when you refuse, or they ask you if you think it's pretty, show you pictures, etc. Then again you can't say anything negative if you don't want to piss them off so the honesty card is a no-go.

I've never liked the idea of pretending to be a parent as a child nor do I want to be responsible for its future. Giving birth sounds nightmarish but not nearly as much as having it live inside you for so long, moving and all ughhh (and that's before watching stuff like Alien). And everyone looking at your belly and asking to touch it (if they dare asking) is one of the creepiest thing ever.

Adults then come and say "don't worry, when you'll grow up, you'll also grow to like it and want to be a mother too!" Still a no, I find them as unnerving as ever. I respect others for deciding to have one but please don't expect everyone to be as happy as you are. And please, please take care of it. Forever. If you decide to be a parent you have to take responsibility.
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Renoire · 26-30, F
geoam1: yes I know babies are innocent and a necessary part of life and I've been one myself once like everyone has. I hate them but I don't misbehave in their vicinity, I don't secretly wish them suffering and misfortune. I don't personally hate them, it's just the entire concept about it, it makes me uneasy. My avatar has nothing to do with it, calm down. I am not viciously attacking them and laughing because they can't respond, not trying to make a debate over it. On my perspective, I use SW as a confession place of some sort where people can relate, this is my confession: I hate babies. I am not encouraging baby hating, I am not stating everything as a fact, it is just my opinion. You seem like a decent person, probably like kids and a nice father, I'm sorry I offended you somehow, I meant no ill but I can't change my disliking of babies :/
Renoire · 26-30, F
uncalled4: Yes! I also think from the child's perspective and I don't want to gift him/her with a parent being repulsed by them.
TheProphet · M
You could say many of those same things about teen agers.
TheProphet · M
That is true. There is nothing wrong with not wanting children.
Renoire · 26-30, F
lastbabyboomer: Indeed, and at least babies aren't aware of what they are or what they do
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uncalled4 · 56-60, M
And then you have the people who think there's something wrong with you for NOT wanting kids. Hey, at least I know, versus the parents who do a horrible, absymal job and leave damaged people in their wake.
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badassgent · 46-50, M
disgusting post.

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