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kind of a sad week for me.....

today marks my dad's 16 year anniversary date when he passed and tomorrow's date i had to make the decision to put my mom in palliative care 3 years ago....and then it's my's never easy.....if you're in close proximity with either of your parents please give them a hug....
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Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
Hugs beery. 🤗

It’s similar for me too with January being a difficult month. my mom dying then caring for my dad night &day and he died and then my birthday.
Happy Sad Birthday?
(((((HUGS))))) I am so very sorry for your losses Dearest Brother, last monday was 44 years ago we learned my Dad died, I was super tempted to hit the black velvet I use to rinse my mouth when dirty dishwater accidentally splashes into it.
@beermeplease That it does :)
meggie · F
@beermeplease the nemories never die. Hope you're having a beer or two for your birthday x
@meggie bday not for 8 days but i will 🤗

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