nonsensiclesnail · F
As an adult male, how is it that you are walking out on them?
Is this Betrayal worth losing the one family you know?
Is this Betrayal worth losing the one family you know?
lonewolflegends · 26-30, M
@nonsensiclesnail cutting contact with them and leaving the family completely and changing my the name given to me by my adopted parents to my birth name I had at birth
nonsensiclesnail · F
@lonewolflegends What overall good can come from this? other than that momentary feeling of vindication.
So because your birth father made a bad decision, you want to make a bad decision too. 🤔
Miram · 31-35, F
Leave for peace, if you cannot forgive
Fertilization · 36-40, F
Was this family irresponsible in your upbringing?
HumanEarth · F
You do realize you're an adult right, unless you have a mental health condition that we don't know about
@HumanEarth I'm beginning to wonder that myself, since they keep posting this story and taking it down every day...
HumanEarth · F
That I didn't know about multiple post
@HumanEarth It'll be posted again tomorrow... I've been seeing it for days at this point.
swirlie · F
Betrayal is betrayal, no matter what form it takes or from whom it comes from. Betrayal isn't a little white lie, nor is betrayal an accidental act. Betrayal is intentional, premeditated and very carefully orchestrated for a very self-serving agenda.
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