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Mom. (Sorry if my english bad, not my mother language)

I didnt talk to my mom since saturday night, im far with my parents now, just say im a student in hospital so you know how hectic is the activity here, i dont even chat with her or my dad im not close with both i never tell them anything about me, even when im far away with them, at saturday night, i call my mom that time i just got home from night shift, my mood is bad and im not eating anything that time, my mom talking about her "awesome son" Because i feel tired , my face show it, but my mom suddenly say "just hang the phone or call later when ur mood is good, you dont seem interesting" Then i say "im tired" And she say "then dont call". That time i just hang the phone, i mean i want to call her because ive been busy and not inform her, i want to make up about that. Since then i dont call her, but my dad call me and my mom dont want to talk to me. So i just say okay, idk wht should i feel now, i just want her to know that i can be tired too, i can be sad i can be stress i can be others than always being happy. I want her to understand that i feel something than that too. I know she always praise her son, but girl im your only daughter and first daughter, dont u feel something for me? And anyway, should i call her? I mean to make up for my behaviour? But my heart feel heavy.
SeaGlass · F
You didn't do anything wrong. You love your mom but she is insensitive. I'm sorry she hurt your feelings. You should call her when you're feeling strong because she's probably not going to change and become supportive.

You are doing great in life. Don't let your mom get in the way of your success.
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
How sad
Communications are not good between you
You need to tell her that you are working long hectic hours and have little time to rest
She needs to listen and understand

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