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It just rubbed me the wrong way...

I had a counsellor who described me as a single mother because my husband worked out of town, and I raised the kids....Then I went to get the kids immunized and there was a woman there with her baby saying her husband worked out of town a lot so she felt like a single mother...It just rubbed me the wrong way because our husbands worked their butts off to support our families!!! There was no single motherhood at all! Who brainwashed these silly people???
Thank you for having that view. As someone who has worked away from home a lot some of the hardest stuff is completely mental. Coming home to someone who "feels like a single mother" makes it feel like what we're doing is pointless and hurts in ways unimaginable that I really can't express. I could write lots about the being away perspective.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
They have no comprehension of what a relationship is!!
InHeaven · F
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