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Dino Safari

I spent time with family today. Arrived at my sister’s house before she was back from the gym, so I called to see when she’d be home. She answered from her smart watch, so I couldn’t hear anyone well. Apparently, my 5-year-old nephew was saying hi to me in the background. On their way home, he was crying because he didn’t get to talk to me.
“She’s waiting at the house,” my sister told him, “We’ll see her in a few minutes.”

“Okay. Don’t tell her I was crying.”

😂🥺 She did tell me, obviously, but only because it was sweet.

We took him and my other nephew, who’s 2, to Dino Safari. 2 kept calling it “din’saur ‘fari.”
He growled and roared at the dinos in the exhibit until his mom asked if he wanted to touch one.

“No. 😠”

I love them. I had to leave a bit earlier than usual because I was suddenly so tired, but I’m glad I got to see them today.
How precious. Kids are the best and their love is so pure!
@cherryxblossom Yes. They’re just so sweet. I’m sad for the days when they don’t want to talk to us anymore. 😢
Plasticbag · 100+, M
Happy days xx

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