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Sibling things

When we were kids, I shared a room with 2 of my younger sisters.
We got in trouble for a lot of things kids shouldn’t get in trouble for.
I was always the one cleaning messes and finding ways for us to not get yelled at or grounded.

One night, I woke to hear one of them sobbing and calling me from across the room. “I threw up…” she was crying.
So I got up and helped her clean the sheets so no one would get mad at her.

Another time, we both got food poisoning and stayed home puking, passing out, and watching TV all day.

So now, whenever I puke, I think of her. 😂
And I text her that I did. (We laugh about it.)
I just did. Ruined my popcorn bucket. It’s from the Dollar Tree, but still… 😞
Treatment is kicking in, and everything I ate today was a bad choice.
Good thing I bought ginger ale this time. I don’t like ginger ale but this is cranberry flavor, so it’s not as bad. When I was on that last type of chemo, she bought me flavored ginger ales to try to help. I haven’t thought to get more for enhertu, because I don’t usually have this problem.
Oh well. Cheers to my sister. 🤭
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I don’t know if you tried it but there is an anti-nausea nasal inhaler made with herbal oils like lavender etc. that is helpful. They sell it on Amazon.
@cherokeepatti Thank you. I’ll look for this.
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
Love and strength to you ❤️
@SwampFlower Thank you.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
Nice bond you have.♥️
@Justmeraeagain Sometimes we don’t talk for a while, then I’ll randomly get a text that she got sick. 😅 We laugh, even though I do feel bad for her.
Musicman · 61-69, M
May God bless and watch over you. 🙏🙏🙏
@Musicman Thank you so much. I hope you and your family are doing all right. 🫂
Senging You Love, Light, and strength, You'll get through this 🤗❤️
@NativePortlander1970 Thank you. I think it’s over for now. I just need to be more careful of what I eat once this kicks in. 🫂
@Colonelmustardseed (((((HUGS))))) You're so very welcome Dearest Friend 🤗❤️

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