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Why do my family stop talking to me

I’ve never been nasty I have given all for them now I sit here alone I text I phone I wonder why
Heartlander · 80-89, M
It could be because other family members spread false witness about you, thus predisposing them to keeping you at a distance.

A bit of a comical memories from my first grade days: The whole grades 1 through 3 were assembled for presentation to parents and interested adults. I can't remember whether it was a Christmas program, or a spring program, or?? But we were lined up on stage, we first graders in the front row, 2nd graders behind us and finally the 3rd graders behind them. Within our row we were linked up boy-girl-boy-girl-etc.

As it happened, my older, 3rd grade brother was two rows directly behind me and during the rehearsal, in my side vision one of the 3rd grade girls standing next to my 3rd grade brother pointed me out and asked my brother "is that your little brother?" Following my brother's one word "yes" response, he went on for 5 minutes telling her what was wrong with me. He was trying to make points with the girl by bad mouthing me. A glimpse of what sometimes happens behind your back.
greensnacks · 31-35, F
You could ask them. Lots of times we do stuff we're unaware of.
Other times it's they who are doing stuff they're u aware of.
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
@greensnacks tried but it failed i ring them but never answer
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
@Havesomefun2 [@greensnacks sometimes it needs a different voice and maybe a rant or two but I carnt be bothered if I did it would be nasty ie lawyer I’ve tried to be nice but it’s getting annoying
JustDJ76 · 46-50, M
Sadly sometimes they only come around or call when they need something. Sorry you’re having to experience this.
RedBaron · M
You should ask them instead of a bunch of randos on the internet like us.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
I feel for you bro

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