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No fun revisiting the past.

Met up with an ex and her family to celebrate her Mother's birthday today.

Her Mum is 90 and her children decided to 'organise' a get together with those who have known her the longest who are still alive.

I guess the older you get the more you realise you've lost more family and friends than you have left.
Hence the invite.

So we meet up and immediately it feels like there are two realities going on here.

The 'rose tinted' view of 'Hey this is fun ! Why has it taken so long to get us together ?'.
And the real feeling that 'My goodness you people are awful no wonder we haven't contacted each other in all these years !'

People rarely improve with age it seems
I remember my aunt-by-marriage’s 100th birthday party.

The original idea was to take her shopping for weekly groceries while other relatives and friends hid in her house. We were then supposed to jump out and yell “Surprise!”

I thought that was imprudent, concerning a 100 year old woman, so it was much gentler and her heart didn’t seize up.
That’s what happened at my grandma’s 90th birthday last October. It was organised by my dad’s sisters, her daughters. All of us grandkids went. We all got along but there was tension. My dad and one of his sisters don’t get on. The other sister is not so close to her sister either but they all live closer to my grandma.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Awe I understand that. Hope it went quickly for you but I’m sure the mother appreciated your presence.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
Was nice for all to do that for mother in law

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