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Family, Family

I live with my great aunt, Amber. She's cool. Her and her wife, Jennifer. They have a 5 year old together. Not sure of the twists and turns in the family tree that that makes me, but it's lovely to have a child near to some of my own sibling's ages.

I am estranged from my own mum, for want of a better term, and I miss my younger sisters. My older sister? We see each other a bit, not often, and it's a little forced at times. Which is a shame. I do see my younger siblings, like, once a week. Better than nothing but I always feel that I am missing out on them progressing and evolving.

I kind of get that from Amber's child, I guess; watching her grow up.

My big sister? I remember playing in the park, cycling together, sneaking off for a cigarette on the way to school together, sharing laughter, talking of boys, books, music and swigging from bottles of alcho-pops, watching movies, just being plain...weird...helping each other with homework.

I'm surrounded by family, or parts of it. Just wished that I had those other parts back too.

Maybe you will get what you want one day. Maybe the higher power (in the Universe, who could be God) will bless you with something that will make you so happy, that you will forget everything bad that ever happened to you
QuietEd2019 · 31-35, M
Sorry to hear that you don’t get to see your younger siblings so much only once a week 😣
QuietEd2019 · 31-35, M
@JasminD fair still you are or feel close to your younger siblings so even for self preservation is difficult for you 🫂🫂🫂
JasminD · 22-25, F
@QuietEd2019 It's more a case of my relationship with my mum. That's all I will publicly say. x
QuietEd2019 · 31-35, M
@JasminD sorry has seemingly deteriorated so much dear 🫂🫂🫂

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