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My Residents

Working in Social Services at a nursing home is not for the weak. I try to get around to see all my residents at least once a week, and I haven't seen one resident in about 2 weeks, and her health has declined drastically. She's been in our facility since November, and she's now under hospice care. She was this talkative, outgoing, lovely person, and to walk in and see her nonverbal yesterday just broke my heart. She remembered me, though, because she grabbed my hand, and I immediately started praying with her, and she started crying, and so did I. I went and got our Chaplin so he could give her some words of encouragement. When we got done, I told her I loved her, and as we were walking out, she said, "Thank you." The Chaplain and I turned around so quickly. She hasn't said much since, but we were happy for that miracle! I try not to get attached but it's easier said than done. I love them all. ❤️
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Maritocorneo · 56-60, M
Thank you for all that you do and bringing some joy into the world. I just through this with my Mom, who was in hospice, for her pancreatic cancer. Even though a person is non responsive, they are aware. I love that she was able to say Thank you for the kindness and compassion that you demonstrated.
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@Maritocorneo Awwwww thanks.. I'm so sorry for your loss 🙏🏽
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
Getting attached is normal, some have told me they are trying not to, but it affects the way they do their job and their behaviour towards the patients in a negative way.
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@HannibalAteMeOut Well I'll stay attached because I don't want to mistreat any of them.
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@PEACH4LIFE it's important to protect yourself too though, keep that in mind. It's hard doing both.
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@HannibalAteMeOut Thanks and that's true.
phillyguy · 56-60
I imagine this gives you a unique perspective and you truly appreciate what you have. LIfe is fragile.
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@phillyguy it has really opened my eyes up about alot of things. I never thought about my end of life care until now and I've made preparations.
saintsong · 41-45, F
You have got to have the biggest compassionate heart to do what you do. God Bless you!
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@saintsong Thank you.
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
Hard not to get attached and seeing someone decline like that is very rough
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@deadgerbil Yes it is! It's so sad.
gamingnerd · 26-30, M
how old is she
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@gamingnerd she has family support. She's in her last stage of lung cancer.
gamingnerd · 26-30, M
@PEACH4LIFE my bad i just thought she did not want to live anymore
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@gamingnerd no problem, you didn't know.
what a big heart you have.. to do this important work
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
You are an angel to these residents
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@GJOFJ3 Thank you. I try to show them love.
Noclue · 56-60, M
What a beautiful gesture
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@Noclue Thank you.
akindheart · 61-69, F
you have a very tough job. thanks for bringing one lady some joy
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@akindheart Thank you. It is indeed tough but I love it. ❤️
Japrost · 41-45, M
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@Japrost Thanks my friend
Japrost · 41-45, M
@PEACH4LIFE welcome
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@SW-User Thank you!
originnone · 61-69, M
and this is one reason I plan to end my life as soon as I reasonably can.
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@originnone do you have a terminal illness?
originnone · 61-69, M
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@originnone Understandable

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