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MiraRoss · 31-35, F
I hear ya my 4 year old is talkative and loud all day long too much energy most days. Don't know how she does it
I can relate. There is no off switch
They are but also children can be sweet and pure when you least expect but need it most...makes the obnoxiousness worth it. Best feeling ever when they have nothing and still try and share with you. Purest form of love embodied...problem is we screw them up because they are mirrors of our selves.
Mrjingleswilly · 51-55, M
Kids seem very loud and obnoxious now. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t always like that. Maybe they just have obnoxious parents?
SweetMae · 70-79, F
They can be annoying. Some of mine were. Now my niece is so sweet to me.