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Just Shooting The Breeze...

The calm before the storm.

Matt's in the other room, sorting out his workout schedule with these guys that are willing to pay him for his time and commitment and I'm just bored, feet up on the sofa, listening to some Carrie....

We'll be out soon, doing the rounds to our respective father's.....

..at least it's not raining!

CharlesRomsey · 61-69, M
It's strikes me as a Joni Mitchell kind of morning: I have "The Last Time I Saw Richard" playing ATM.
CassandraSissy · 26-30, T
@CharlesRomsey Not really heard her, sweetie....I do like the early Suzanne Vega stuff, but Carrie's current album is fine enough for me at the moment....

CharlesRomsey · 61-69, M
@CassandraSissy Fair enough - different generations have different icons. If you really need a good weepie at any time, I do recommend Joni's album "Blue". My fave on there is "Green", about how she had to give up her illegitimate daughter - gets me every time.
CassandraSissy · 26-30, T
@CharlesRomsey Ooooh! Well, I try not to cry that often - I'm an upbeat gal! But will look into that....thanks...


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