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A child’s logic…

We got a new car today and kiddo has been trying to convince me that she doesn’t need a carseat. She’s still small enough that she’s in a 5-point harness seat, but she’s decided she wants to be in just a booster or no seat at all 😅 😅😅

I explained to her that she would be far too low down for the seatbelt to be safe for her. So she marched to the car with two cushions and announced that she could sit on those and be just as tall as an adult. I then told her that she needs a seat that keeps her in the right position because she’s a wiggler and falls asleep a ton in the car…. she said she’ll sit like a statue all the time 😂😂😂😂

She keeps talking about it NON STOP. She’s also started saying she wants to sit in the front as well 🤪🤪🤪😅😅😅 Little does she know car safety is one of the very very few things where she can’t sweet talk me into changing my mind… 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😅😅

I fear this will end in tears when I tell her it’s bedtime and she still hasn’t convinced me 😬😬😬😬😬😬 I appreciate her passion 😅😅
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Draw a line.. Literally.. Mark a place on a wall or door frame and tell her that is the legal height she needs to be. (I am sure you can find a recommendation written someplace to back you) Now you have flipped the argument. "This is the mark you need to reach to qualify" and puts the onus back on her to meet the mark.. At this age you really need to stop using a blanket "No" and set conditions for success.😷
Raffiki · 22-25, F
@whowasthatmaskedman Thank you, that’s actually a really good idea 🤓
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Raffiki I've been through this stage with children and grandchildren and they all still talk to me. 😷
Anyone who thinks this isn’t adorable isn’t human.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
She has her mind made up
What does the law say about it?
Raffiki · 22-25, F
@Spoiledbrat By law she has to be in a seat until she’s 12 or a certain height, but it’s a little iffy on the type of seat. It’s one of those things though where it is child-based. If I could guarantee she would stay in the right position I would consider putting her in a high-back booster with a seatbelt, but she’s not able to do that yet so a harness is better.

She wants a backless booster or nothing at all, which are not happening any time soon 😅😅😬😬😬
I was just going to say blame it on the law. @Raffiki
Raffiki · 22-25, F
@Spoiledbrat She knows it’s not the law because she sees her friends in booster seats 😅😅😅
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
She wants to be a big girl, normal indeed
Raffiki · 22-25, F
@Strictmichael75 Totally normal… and a little exasperating 😅😅 I might have to figure out a big-girl activity to cheer her up.
I bet she gets the stubbornness from momma. Kids usually do 😜

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