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dose anyone else have issues with siblings

i need some advice on this as its stressing me out. i feel like im constantly needing to compete with my step sister due to the fact she is always trying to be centre of attention. the list of stuff she dose is kinda long so im not going to bother listing it all out. but in short she has managed to put a rift between me and dad cause of her actions.
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My younger brother thinks he's right about everything and always has to be right even when he's wrong. He's also into every conspiracy theory going and can't survive unless he convinces me of them all. I have no idea how to deal with it other than avoiding him which is hard.
@Bushmanoz Yes my brother says the same things. I think they all visit the same websites. I told them that if Australia was like those other countries they would be arrested after one of their protests and never heard from again. They really don't get it.
Bushmanoz · 61-69, M
@SW-User Exactly..I remember seeing a vid of Tony Abbot walking through a city, not sure if he was PM at the time. But some bloke was hurling insults at him..and he replied get a fken job guards swoop in and drag him away. It hasnt changed.
@Bushmanoz I used to have a low level job working for the government. I'd open letters and have to work out who to deal with the requests. I got all the crazies, the sovereign citizens, people demanding their medicare number changed because it had 666 in it etc, but also the ones threatening the government. In many other countries those people would be arrested or put on watch lists, but we'd just phone them up and tell them to pull their heads in. The rare really serious ones stood out of course and would get investigated. But try all that in china or north korea.
Mandyfgrstbhj · 70-79, F
It is up to your dad as the adult to recognise this and not allow it to happen
that is sad. How old is she? Maybe you sould talk with your dad about it and find a way to solve it.
@Jessicablumen i have and she dosnt care
@finitysmith so she bascially tries to be her dad's favorite and your father dosen't notice that?
@Jessicablumen pretty much
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
My sister and I are extremely close. My step brother and step sister were close with my father because they were only 2 and 4 when our parents met. He’s dead and we have no reason to talk to them anymore for various reasons.
1490wayb · 56-60, M
just be yourself and do your own thing.
when ive had all i can take i leave, go to my own private space. let them have the last say i dont care, think they know it all and never wrong, learn the hard way then.
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
It's always kind of been them versus me growing up (I'm the oldest) and at this point, I've cut off contact with them for the most part.
Peaches · F
Ask her why? If you don't like her answer, avoid her and don't try to compete. Ask her in front of dad so he'll know what's happening.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Has she put a rift there of has you fears put it there?
My middle sister hates me. She's constantly bullying me and she's caused my youngest sister to look at me differently and grow apart from me.

I know the feels of sisterly struggles. My mind tells me it's not a competition, but she's the cloud that dims my shine.
Bushmanoz · 61-69, M
I had a falling out with my sister over a very serious matter and decided she was to toxic to be in my life. We haven't spoken in 20 years
Peaches · F
@Bushmanoz My sister left the state, 🥳 I couldn't be happier! All is so peaceful now! 😊
Bushmanoz · 61-69, M
@Peaches So did mine. But I refused to see her even in the same state. She thinks life is something you win and destroying people who slight you is say she thinks its fun to ruin someones life
@Bushmanoz mine are like that
Jungleman · M
nope not me.
Mine was spoiled
Princessjen11 · 22-25, F
no siblings
That sucks I'm sorry I'm pretty luck with my sister but I have friends who don't get along with there siblings at all
@Strangeone01 I think it’s pretty rare to not get along with family. From what I seen here it’s looks rare
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