Crypitika · 36-40, M
What a cute little one. All the photos make me anxious I can't wait until we (my fiance and I) have our two and our stepson has his first.
Echambers101 · 26-30, M
beautiful who's the big boy 😊
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DeeBee · M
Do you still use this App LaceyMarie?
Mamapolo2016 · F
A perfect peach. Congratulations.
Gorgeous blue eyes, mine used to look like that
Mikelee20 · M
How’s your day going @laceymarie09
stc615 · M
Getting big already!
helen69 · 51-55, F
just soooo cute
dayalllost · 41-45, M
Super cute!
Big boy!
Big boy!
QuietEd2019 · 31-35, M
Aww soo cute how are you doing? Enjoying being a mum?
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
LittleBallOfFire · 22-25, F
So cute

You know darn well it's not tea in that cup...

It was your mother who loved you before you were born - who carried you for a long months close to her heart and in the fullest of time took God's hand in hers and passed through the valley of shadows to give you life. It was she who cared for you during the helpless years of infancy and scarcely less dependent years of childhood. As you have grown less dependent, she has done the countless, thoughtful, trouble-healing, helpful and encouraging things which somehow only mothers seem to know how to do. You may have accepted these attentions more of less as matters of course and perhaps without conscious gratitude or any expressions of your appreciation. You are rapidly approaching the time in life when you will be entirely independent of your mother. The ties which dependency has bound you to her may be served as you grow older, but the tie of mother-love can never be broken.