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Whats the most unsafe/dangerous place youve ever lived in and why? Can you describe what made it dangerous?

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Grove street in San Andreas.. people killing cops everyday out there
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TheCoolestCat · 31-35, M
man youve been playing too much gta
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@SW-User I respawned a lot and Tenpenny won't leave me alone until the final boss fight.
I lived downtown for awhile. I was mugged once, saw a man waving a gun around, and when some drug dealers were evicted they set a fire in the garage. Luckily it didn’t do too much damage and didn’t reach our flat on the second floor, but we were all evacuated and were standing out on the street at 3 in the morning while the firemen put out the fire. It was surreal, neighbors from other buildings brought us hot coffee and doughnuts.
Years later, a friend was looking for a housemate for an elderly relative who owned a Victorian over in Piedmont and she wanted someone she knew the woman would be able to trust, so she introduced us. We clicked, and I moved. Literally a month after I moved out, the owner of the Mom & Pop grocery by me was murdered by robbers.
I had last seen him when I went to tell him goodbye, and he had given me a gift basket. He was a wonderful man and everyone in that neighborhood was devastated. 😞
Pfuzylogic · M
Living with my dad until I was 12 and then living in the Guardians home in Indianapolis afterwards. I understood how important it was to have a parent/guardian that cared what happened to you. The state court allowed my dad to perjure himself and I won’t make comments on the atrocious incidents that happened in the guardian’s home.
curiosi · 61-69, F
I had a lovely house, then a crack head moved in next door. Caught him peeping in my window. Called the cops and he threatened to kill me. Eventually it got so bad I had police protection. One night they were attempting to arrest him (drunk driving) and he tried to kill a police officer. He went to jail for a long time.
Ryzeup1n · 26-30, M
@curiosi Dang, glad you didn't get hurt in the process
On a mountaintop in an thunderstorm. We ran downhill as fast as we could when the lighting started to crack.
TheCoolestCat · 31-35, M
Where I am right now. Have been hearing gunshots in my neighborhood. I bought a piece & if you try to break in I'm splattering your head all over the hallway. Never thought things would come to this.
Lilnonames · F
In fineview PA. They sold dope at the end of theroad many shootings.robberies and fights .also house break ins

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