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RebelFox · 36-40, F
I hate napping
@RebelFox Oh I loathe napping too. I was just overtired. I absolutely hate waking up with a hazy head
RebelFox · 36-40, F
@DrScissorhands it feels gross and all wrong, I envy people that can enjoy naps 😆
So I wasn’t good for you? 🥺
@SW-User There wasnt enough 'action' before I was rudely awakened 😠
eyeno · M
Moosepantspatty · 31-35, M
If its all your gettin, take it, I say
@Moosepantspatty Lmao. Abhorrent
Moosepantspatty · 31-35, M
@DrScissorhands pitiful, more like 🤕
@Moosepantspatty Abhorrent*
Lilnonames · F
@Lilnonames Sweet dreamz