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Dshhh · M
a intense Christian pastor. who railed against all kinds of Sin and wickedness.
sexuality our of marriage. hated homosexual

then one night i saw him, In the club i work with
close and slow dancing with a man
alivebutterfly · 31-35, F
@Dshhh What an irony
Dshhh · M
@alivebutterfly there is a lot of that hear.
republican congressmen hitting up on guys in the bathroom.
Preachers exploiting the women in thier churches.

when someone Rails Loud, about a thing, that is the first thing I think these days
alivebutterfly · 31-35, F
Good observations

rckt148 · 61-69, M
it was more like Ironic testimonies
A guy was telling the Church how he refused to work on the Sabbath
A man had run out of gas on his way to the gas station ,and it was a ways out in the country ,so he walked up to the first house he came to and the home owner was a Seventh Day Adventist ,and it was Saturday ,
He boasted how he had gas in his garage that was for his lawn mower ,but under no circumstances was he giving it to him "It was the Sabbath "
He refused to help the man ,it would "defile his Sabbath ,that was work .

Another lady prompted by his story stood up and told how she was at Wal Mart and a pregnant lady walked up to her and asked if she could possibly give her a ride ,,she was homeless and being pregnant she had overdone it walking all the way to Wal Mart in her condition
She said the lady had a tote bag (she used to carry her belongings in )
How she said she would help ,,but before she would ,she needed to search the ladies tote for weapons ,,she was afraid to help her ,maybe it was an attempt to rob her
She was happy at her act of kindness and felt the need to brag she had helped someone ,,but its the way she went about it that hurt me .

I get why so many hate religion ,and So called Christians

If this is how you show the love of God ,maybe you do more harm than good
Even if you are a Sabbath keeper ,,its never "Unlawful " to do good on the Sabbath day ,,,and if you have to rob someones dignity to help them
just say no ,,,many homeless people do have to cast off their pride and not be afraid to ask for help ( I know pan handlers can be annoying ,but you never know how they got to where they are at ,,very few of them are actually "Bum's)

If you think you need a gun to go to church ,,thats Irony
If you are really saved and you die showing someone some kindness
What do you think happens next ?
I believe (just my opinion ) the next face I see will be Christ
saying "Lets go home my obedient and faithful servant ,
that removes my fear to help others even if they mean me harm
thats on them ,I am not serving them ,,I serve God
Doing good is never unlawful and I know who watch's over me
It was just Ironic to me ,,they testified about things a child of God should never do ,,,offend the least of His ,when we do ,we offend Christ too

Sorry if this offended you or anyone else ,it was not to shove religion down anyones throats I assure you ,,its to say if we say we love God
we should act like it ,,,the acceptable sacrifice is doing for those in need
We use towel to wipe ourselves after a clean bath.. Yet the towel gets dirty... 🙄

On serious note.. To consider ourselves above or different than nature rather than part of.. not being sustainable or preserver..Ex. cutting a tree, making a symbol or statues out of it..and worshipping..Biggest irony of our World.
alivebutterfly · 31-35, F
@SW-User so true
VolpeTredici · 31-35, M
In order to appreciate happiness, you have to know pain.
alivebutterfly · 31-35, F
@VolpeTredici thus people turn masochist 😉
VolpeTredici · 31-35, M
@alivebutterfly Sadomasochist 😈
Tad123 · 26-30, M
Your hair actually!
alivebutterfly · 31-35, F
Tad123 · 26-30, M
Your hair and your username to be precise!
It says you are a butterfly... But if you ask me... It looks more beautiful than the wings of the most colourful butterfly!
alivebutterfly · 31-35, F
In retrospect?

My ex-spouse saying our wedding vows when had already been cheating, and continuing for quite some time until I eventually found out.

Best of intentions my a$$....
alivebutterfly · 31-35, F
@VeronicaJane one of the biggest ironies
i have not experienced much irony mostly small things like this machine is so old its going to brake someday and that actually happens. I have a lot more hipporicy in my life.
False promises are a contradiction
alivebutterfly · 31-35, F
@SW-User yup
Tad123 · 26-30, M
I'm surprised you haven't posted more pics with untied hair!
Tukudo · 41-45, M
When people praise..
Tukudo · 41-45, M
Are you there?
This message was deleted by its author.
alivebutterfly · 31-35, F

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