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Trump is going to take away my HRT noooo 😭

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UndeadSona · F
What state are you in? Because that's going to effect things the most tbh. Look at what your local goons are trying to do and react accordingly if your state isnt on that map you should probably do everything in your power to leave it. Should probably stockpile regardless
Dicey · 31-35, F
@UndeadSona I'm in Washington, so hopefully things will be relatively okay here. I have a growing stockpile, but may try to add to it / seek out other options outside of the standard channel for obtaining medication.
UndeadSona · F
@Dicey yeah you're probably going to be alright
Good. Now you can stop pretending to be something you’re not
@Dicey it makes me happy to give in to my mental illness too
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CountScrofula · 41-45, M
I'm pretty certain this will remain a thing the states do. He'll empower bigots but his eye is on money.
If you don't live in a blue state, try to move to one.
@Dicey So you'll probably be safe. I don't think the military will listen to the Republicans if they try to override states rights. The reason the generals all hate Trump is because they're actually pretty loyalty to the Constitution.
dale74 · M
@BohemianBabe well republicans support states rights unlike Democrat's and the big fit they threw when the supreme court returned abortion to the states....
@dale74 Republicans pretend to support states' rights, but really neither party does.
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Dicey · 31-35, F
@BlueVeins Thanks. I don't really know about the logistics of that, but I do have all my documents updated, so at least there's that. I'm hoping I'll be okay in my blue city in a blue state, but it doesn't hurt to prepare.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Dicey To my understanding, you can just get a vacation visa to Vietnam, it'll be approved in a week, and you can just hop on a plane and chill there for 90 days. Cost of living's very low, but still, saving as much money as you can is critical.
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Gibbon · 70-79, M
@BlueVeins Oh the brilliant inexperienced punk has spoken. You've just come out of puberty and your brain is ALMOST fully developed.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Gibbon Sir I'm in my mid twenties.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@BlueVeins Exactly
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
🤣🤣🤣 that should be the least of your worries under trump
Dicey · 31-35, F
@dale74 I probably make more money than you lol
dale74 · M
@Dicey don't doubt it but I don't need much I already paid off my house and have only monthly bills like food electric and gas and internet... Monthly expenses about 1500 easy to do on 100k I do take lots of trips
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
@Dicey what do you do?

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