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I Hate Being Lied to

I found out that someone I opened my home to, to assist her in starting school and getting ahead has lied to me. I confronted her and she "promised " that she was being truthful but the evidence is there that it was a lie, compounded on another. I wonder what others would do with this.
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1petitegreeneyes · 61-69, F
Ok more info, she is not family. Second, she gives me money for one bill but she can't afford to pay rent because I'm really trying to help her prepare to go to school. That is what she told me she wanted to do and couldn't. She's has been here a year and not done anything about school. If anything she goes out all the times for days. I finally told her I'm tired of funding her trips. She said she wasn't going on her trip and going to work instead but she is not at work. I asked her again and asked her to be honest. She said she would not lie to me and ruin our rekationship but i know she did.
Serenitree · F
Then it is indeed time to kick her out. You owe her nothing. Her lies were actually very much your concern. If she hasn't paid any rent and you have nothing in writing, pack her stuff, put it outside and tell her to take it elsewhere.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
A good friend of mine went through this kind of situation for FIVE YEARS!

If this person wanted to go to school, she would've by now. I have worked my way through multiple college degrees with no help except scholarships, grant money, work-study jobs and some very small loans I paid off myself. People like that use apparently noble ambitions to cover for their unwillingness to make their own way in the world. It gets harder to get rid of them the longer they stay. Give her a reasonable deadline to find a new home; anywhere from a week to a month. Prepare to physically throw her out if you have to. Get your friends to help you. And spend a little money changing the locks the day she leaves. If she leaves any belongings behind, ship them to her new address or to someone who knows her or let her know you will throw away anything she leaves behind. People like this use every trick they can and they stick like glue. Play hardball when the deadline hits. Lock her out if you have to.
Serenitree · F
Listen to GMG. Work fast and be firm.
Serenitree · F
I understand why you're feeling hurt, but this is really too vague to give an informed opinion on how I personally would deal with it. Such as, if it was family, I might deal differently than if it was a mere acquaintance or an online ad place by a stranger. It would also depend on what the lies are. How much they actually affect me. How much they are my business. Some lies are merely easier than saying, sorry that's none of your business.
1petitegreeneyes · 61-69, F
Thank you JoseyWales. I see that i hate that. Thank you.
R2sharpe · 56-60, M
Actions speak louder than words my friend. If she truly intended to keep the promises she made to you, she would back them up with actions. People like this soak up so much of a person's energy and resources. Give her one more chance if you want but I think she's already shown you her true colors.
1petitegreeneyes · 61-69, F
Thanks. I do as well especially when you ask point blank for them to be honest.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
All too often kindness gets taken advantage of
1petitegreeneyes · 61-69, F
Thanks, that's what I'm thinking.
StefanoHopkins · 56-60, M
So what did she lie about ?
Serenitree · F
She lied about needing the assist, so she could attend school. She lied about where she was spending her time when she was gone. She lied about pretty much everything and is using greeneyes like a free hotel.
The worst is to be lied to, have proofs but the ppl still deny...
If you already confronted them, and they still lie. Then time to ask them to leave.
MenzernaSF4000 · 36-40, M
Kick them out?
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Jammer6475 · 46-50, M
Spank her ass! !!

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