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I Want Everyone To See Capitalism A Love Story

President Ronald R And His Anti American Ways... Again I ask...Did you know he deregulated all banking Laws, Airline Rules and Regulations, Unions, Mortgage & Housing & Lending Laws and number 1 in my book - he deregulated the Eisenhower laws about American companies opening businesses across the pond...  He made it very easy for the rich to go elsewhere to find workers at 4X's less than the hourly wages in America. He took away the Treason Act liabilties for doing so.  He took away the extremely heavy fines for doing so. He took away the bond of money they had to give the United States if Big Business took away America jobs. <u> Now you know why the Republicans really Love him.</u>

They always keep talking about the Anti-Christ...well he has been here and gone in my opinion. So I really Like and Love Mr. Moore's info...but it is kinda late in some ways, though right on time for this new group of American patriots (the 99%).  What is needed is a new group of laws protecting the working class quite like but better than President Eisenhower's protections.  They need to made as law and no president or congress could abolish them.  Only a majority vote by the people could change them.

The reason the Savings % Loans failed,investment banks failed,  John Q public banks failed,job protections failed, MORTGAGES & HOUSING STARTS FAILED,  is because President Ronald R deregulated all the rules & regulations so that all the fat cats could get richer than any other country, political system, etc.  They know why we are like sitting dead economical ducks.  Because they created this situation with good ole Ronald R.  The 1%.  The Steel industry Built this you know that most of the steel industry is now ba<x>sed overseas in China, Japan and in other third world countries???  China is already complaining about land pollution and land poisoning...  America needs to satop running to the mall and jumping on the internet...get your jogging shoes on and get moving!!

We Americans have been cut off at the knees while all the fat cats are about to leave America like a bad nightmare...  They will be heading overseas like the rich have always done.  When they use up everything a country has to give them...they just move to another ripe for the picking place. And  if you look closely you will know were they will eventually land.  Well I have more but that is enough for now, kids! 
Much Love & Hugs, livingwell
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Heretochill...this is not just my point of view...but people across the world and in every state happen to Feel this way too!

Also I am one of the biggest bargain shoppers around, but , when SuperKmart was not doing the right thing by their employees..WAGES!!! I did not shop there for over six years. You see when you talk to me a being who has had to fight, sit-in, walkout, march, bus,and a few other things you have to do when protesting. A simple stament like a well found bargain does not wash water with me.
We are talking about millionares whose money would not be worth a thing...if Americans went back to making their own things, building their own homes, growing Their own foods, etc. It is kind of what Ghandi did for the people of India to get rid of the English!

You do not look for deals at the risk of everything they said they wanted the country to stand for, either! You would break a country like America??? Then why do we tolerate the rich...outside of what money has done for them...what has their money done for me lately????
People lost their lives, families, homes, children for this country to be what it is. And a few rich folk are going to let it all go for naught for a couple of dollars??? Well anyway you ook at it, it is just history repeating itself. The rich stay somewhere but as soon as people ask to live just a step or two up over slavery...then they make sure they take their money and take flight.
Oh and about you know it is because of unions and the people who fought and died for them...that you have a 5 day week instead 7?,... An 8 hour day & not 12/18 hours?..., safety percations not available 150 years ago, the ability to question when civil liberties are being run over by big business?? Just to name a few...things. I have a running knowlegde of what big business does...just to save a penny and make ten more off the exchange.
Blessings, livingwell
For anyone who wants to know LW does quite, retirement, income property. And I do not mind paying my fair share either... That is what is wrong with all those in the 1% category? And to all those who uphold the lines that keep saying others should have not one thing???

Do you know why we have the services we do have for the the working & non- working poor?? Because during the Great Depression thousands of people camped out on the White House lawn in Washington demanding Redistribution of the wealth in America. It was a very dangerous time in America.

But that demand brought in the Governments Works Projects & Socail Security and many other services to keep as the rich of that time described as "the unwashed poor" from taking over the country.... By President FDR. He knew something had to be done. Like right now the healthcare issue could cause more groups than I want to think about deciding they better take things into their own hands. I lived thru the riots of the 60's. But what is coming is going to be much, much worse if we do not get smart real quick.

We better try & be as smart as President FDR...

Peace to you, LW

P.S. I am never going to be doing so well that the health, welfare, and economics of others less fortunate than me will be overlooked...and if you are one of those people who would look over those...then wait awhile...anything can happen in this life. And, the same people you looked over going up are the same people you are going to see going down...maybe they will overlook you, HUH???

*** Have a good life all you well to do selfish folk with nothing to make you feel better about yourself than seeing another fellow human being down & out & underneath the weight of your foot, greed and your own self hate. That is why you all are hating on the very principles you claim you uphold... Because with your hating hearts nothing real & lasting could ever take hold in you or your lives.

I worked in Human Resources when the Carter Presidency turned into the Reagan Presidency so, while my viewing angle was narrow specific, it was telling.

During the Carter years, my job was to offer the best pay and the best benefits so that my company to attract and retain the best employees. Company loyalty was rewarded with employee loyalty and there was a company pride associated with a good employee retiring from the firm.

Then came Reagan and the entire mentality changed. New terms like "downsizing" emerged. My job was suddenly about determining which benefits could be ELIMINATED (or more cost shifted to the employees) without losing too many good employees. The idea of a company owing a living or any sort of stability to it's employees was history. "Good business" meant pleasing shareholders. Employees now had the status of raw materials... a necessary (and often inconvenient) part of doing business. For the first time I was often asked to write up (and eventually let go) employees who were close to retirement age because they were slowing down and could be replaced by younger kids right out of school for less money.

Every year, our Sales Dept. was asked to estimate (predict) sales for the coming year. They would make up a number and the company would reward them for this fictitious number by giving them and their mistresses a week-long jaunt on a windjammer full of booze. By the end of the year, when it turned out that their fictitious number had been exaggerated it was my job to lay off hundreds of employees who had done their jobs responsibly all year (without the booze cruise) in order to offset the company's perceived losses.

Today, this type of thinking is so ingrained it is taught in Business school.

It also made it easy for me to walk away from Corporate America.
I survived thirty years on civil service employment protected by a civil service employees union. Thank God for our Union. The only thing i have to show for my 100% hard work, always performed by me with honesty, integrity, conscience and faith, is my full medical and presc<x>ription benefits (per rules, retirees lose Dental coverage one year after retirement unless insurance premiums are paid for out of pocket; my parents stole my retirement savings and i cannot afford food nor a car--so i could not afford to continue dental insurance). Thank God for the medical insurance on my union retirement contract. However, because of the percentage of dishonest people who infiltrate, permeate, and affect every honest enterprise, including unions, costs of union employment are way overinflated and with taxes in my state among the highest in the nation, union benefits, retiree and employee benefits are constantly being reduced to save costs to the taxpayers. That promise of public employee union benefit reduction got Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo--a scion of the prominent Cuomo Democratic family legacy--elected. (*SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, BE THEY DEMOCRAT, REPUBLICAN, OR UNCOMMITTED, WILL ALWAYS PREVAIL. I walked that beat for thirty years. I know.)
If you can prove this then I would look for a way of seeking legal action
Well I don't like deregulating when it just means the rich get have more while people lose jobs, healthcare, and countries lose economic buying & selling power, and the intra-sructure of a country is falling apart down to their bridges, schools, safety, and protections.

Pres. RR's deregulations brought down housing, labor, banks, most airlines, Wall Street, main street, back street, decent employment & decents pays...and...not to mention the entire Savings & Loans industry. And... our weakened economic status has poluted World Wide economies dependant on us or the U.S.
Pres.. Eisenhower left rules in place that prevented businesses started & grown in the US from making ventures in other places in the world that would curtail American jobs & wages. If American businesses broke these rules ithey could even be considered & tried for commiting teason. They had to pay fines & fees to do because of Pres. RR they do not.

And our $8 an hour jobs are going to people in other countries for &2.50 an hour. Why don't you tell me which one you prefer?
Hugs, LW
Australia has a minimum wage-rate of $15 an hour, and our dollar is worth US$1.05, so our manufacturing industries are really getting squeezed, but at least people on the minimum wage can afford to eat! AND we have free healthcare. So, when are You moving here, livingwell? ;~)
PS: Reagan was a sock-puppet for the arms industries and Big Pharma. He never spoke a word without some rich $%#@'s hand up his *&amp;^%!
Well I believe we still have to give Obama the lead. Why??
1. Because he did not promise this would be prefect...this 1st four years.. 2. He said over & over before he was elected it would take more than 1, 2 or 3 terms in office to get straight what it took 16 years for Republicans to totally scew up. 3. He kept his promise about ending the war in Iraq. Finding & eliminating past & present threat to the US! 4. We did not help him do his job at all...especially in that election when Americans fell down on the job & did not back him...aThey allowed the Republicans in seats in places that just hurt the American people more. Ask me I am an Ohioian and we made a big mistake with the election of our gov. Now we are trying to unelect him, like Michigan is trying to do a recall of their Gov.
5. Obama did not create this critical situation...we did by not getting off our rumps and stopping what we knew was quite wrong...every time Repubs get in.. 100's of tousands lose their jobs, lives, children, businesses in America and accross the seas millions just plain lose their lives. I got more...but it will have to be a little later guys...getting past my bedtime. I Love America even with all her short comings...she is still my girl. She needs better citizens...the kind willing to make her even better than she once was. Love & Hugs, LW
How many people can you fit in your house to live there with your family before your lifestyles & lives start suffering? Before you can't control the spread of sickness & disease? Before people in your house, during a storm when no one can go outside and the electricity and water and heat or cooling are interrupted indefinitely and food and sanitation are disappearing, starting killing each other for survival? This world is the only house we have and as long as people continue to give Population Control Responsibility a back seat, it's survival of the fittest. I'm going to buy the vehicle with my endless loan payments that i can depend on the MOST wherever it's made unless you will be wherever i am at a moment's notice when my 100% American vehicle breaks down. If you can't guarantee me unrestricted mobility until my U.S. vehicle is replaced, I BUY DEPENDABLE AND AFFORDABLE.
You are both so right. As
So as long as money rules...... you will not have safe working conditions, no reason for our children to take a chance on their futures with "Any" company, & no reason to bet on a system that has no space or place for them in their world or future.
But it does mean that we should stop all this stealing from the little guy, giving ourselves health care & the little guy cannot get any, stop pricing food, shelter, gas, and medications out of the reach of65% of the society. It does mean that people should start looking for what does not work for the majority and get it fixed.** Hugs, LW
Big business always says they aren't making enough money...untill the workers areall laid off...It is a matter of fact.
When they have all the products or services they keep making money... they need to layoff people. Any maket rep for stocks & bonds will tell you that. It is called Stock Exchange lesson 101.

I do not say do not make money...but it should not negatively cost the country & people you got your start from. Eisenhower felt the same way...that is why he made rules to prevent what Ronald R put in motion. Hugs, LW
I've always considered Reagan's Presidency the beginning of the downfall of the American economy and ideal. Deregulation has been an economic disaster for the common citizen. And Reagan's anti-union ways actually go back to his days as President of the actor's union when he sold them out. As for his military policies, I always figured he was trying to compensate for the guilt of staying safe at home in Hollywood and playing second fiddle to Errol Flynn in those war movies during WWII.
Thank You Sehnen.
People you cannot keep covering up fpr the Reagan policy plan that put this country were it is the lowest end of the economic ladder!
IFF we do not turn around this only thinking about the rich creed. We will not climb out, either.
The rich have done as they always will do ...keep the money & blame someone else for how the money vanished.))
Money plans for the poor, sick, 99%, and others do not exist. Those that do cannot not even scratch surface of the needs they are put in charge of & charged with making the plan agreed upon work.... Who You Want to Blame...Republicans & the Rich. Hugs, LW
Have you heard about a DVD called “Thrive”
Theme being that we are all meant to thrive on this planet… YET…..only a small precent do at the cost of the majority.
The DVD looks at the flow of money and education/health/pharmacy drugs/fuel/energy
How the flow is set up that the top rich get richer at the cost of the rest of us.

It is time the whole system gets an overhaul.
The sad reality is that big businesses are exporting our jobs, and the money paid to the workers is going into other countries' economies, not ours, which in turn stimulates further growth in those countries while we struggle with growing unemployment and a dwindling ability to create wealth in ours.
If I had better health I would be at the 99% marches and sit-ins. We have got to start doing and living for ourselves. You know that when you keep putting someone else in charge of your life, Love, money and physical welfare..They never take care of it like you would. Nobody can bake the cake better than you, usually!! Hugs, LW
So its okay that the rich pay far less in the percentage of taxes, Romney's riches in the Camin islands and he says he isn't concerned for the rich nd coul care less for the por, the poor will be looked after.

He isn' for the working people, when he was with Bain Capital, he poved that by laying off thousands of people, syphon the mone that was made then shut down the factories.

Nice job huh?
I like a lot of what you say and have lived most of it. But people have to get the one item IN FOCUS about this ....Repeal the deregulations laws right now. You want to give a big fat stop to the migration of America money & jobs...repeal deregulation...REPEAL DEREGULATION REPEAL DEREGULATION REPEAL DEREGULATION....

HUGS, lw
Bush was fond of justifying the killing of civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq (when the participants of 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia) by saying "they hate us for our freedom." I think it was actually George Bush and his cronies who hated us for our freedoms because they took those freedoms away. The "Patriot Act" goes directly against the U.S. Constitution by giving authorities the right to read your emails, IMs, tap your phone calls...

The right to privacy given us by the ACTUAL patriots is a thing of history. Go through any airport in Europe, then go through one in the U.S. and see who has "Freedom".

And then there's the 5 trillion dollar surplus George Bush turned into a 9 trillion dollar deficit just to line the pockets of wealthy friends and supporters! Blaming Obama is like blaming the cleaning lady after Keith Moon has checked out of the hotel! When you elect a wealthy, C student, draft-dodging, cocaine-snorting alcoholic who nearly ruined Texas when he was Governor, you get exactly what you voted for.
Thank You for even more info about this person. I have no Love for politicians to begin with...but I think Americans should take the time to look at how things really get started.
But we are a bit lazy...and do not watch our officials closely. Nor do we do the checks & balances on their actions as we should.
Love & Hugs, LW
Just like they bought the 1st Bush election...when the Fl votes were not counted. They can try. But unless everyone in this country wants to give up what few perks will still have they better shy away from the republicans. They do not like people at all. They Love money and the power to kill a life, job, or anything else at will. The enviornment, the animals(North Pole is melting right now), the air, land, farmers and more at will.

Hugs, LW
You are so right. We even had HR (Human Resource) training so they could layoff the HR people. This is not the promise...thank you so much for your info! Hugs, LW
Well you put it fantastically better than I ever could. Thank you very much. I agree with you. Please have a splendid day and Bountiful 2012! Hugs, LW
Yup. Knew it at the time. Anti-union, anti-American middle class, etc., etc. The start of the US downfall. Personally, I always felt his military stance was ba<x>sed on the fatc he played second fiddle to Errol Flynn in too many movies.
it's probably obvious to many, but I only realized yesterday that big business really believes they can buy this election. Romney is their kind of guy. He looks and acts like them. Duh! I know... but it may not play out that way...
The truth can only bring about peace and quiet for you ...but types of real discomfort for others. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENT. Hugs,LW
He also made secret arms deals with terrorists, sold out his actors union when he was its president, backed illegal war and assassinations that were funded by the CIA's partnership in drug trafficking into the US, was very likely into senility when he was in office, invaded Grenada at least partially in reaction to his disastrous invasion of Lebanon which lead to the death of hundreds of US personnel, etc.
No, but I would Love to get it. Thank you for comment & for reading my story. It is greatly appreciated.** hugs, LW
I am, too! We know that money begets money...and some only think of that as Reps. Thank you! Hugs, LW
that story is so true, but the kids have to see where they fit in to society. right now they have no idea.
So now what do we do? I wouldn't vote Republican because well, I just CAN'T! I have a hard time understanding the masses and their allegiance to a party that has shown over and over, they don't matter.
Thank you for tyour comment and more education. Simply Beautiful! Hugs, LW
I agree...but Errol Flynn was the real deal to me when it came to action... !! Hugs & Love, LW
keep on telling that kind of truth. amerikans of all ages need to hear it.
that's how i feel about about nixon--but for watergate--he was pretty liberal
So very true. Thank you. We cannot build this way at all. Hugs, LW
You are really so right! Love & Hugs, LW
good stuff, LW! thanks for sharing!
He should have kept making movies.
It is good to see a US citizen posting such a reminder of the true architect of the US's economic downfall, livingwell. Reagan was the ultimate hypocrite, espousing lots of partiotic nonsense while at the same time setting up your country for exactly the kind of fall it is now experiencing. He used Cold War rhetoric to stir up paranoid fervour and wasted billions on the Mickey Mouse "Star Wars" nuclear defence, for which US taxpayers are still forking out.

Perhaps You would like to join my group "I Dance On Ronald Reagan's Grave"? I don't think anyone else has joined it yet. :~(
Good story. I'm curious to see what your thoughts are on Bush? That would be a fascinating story to read I think :D Can I open a can of worms? tehe
Wow so that's why sweat houses are legal. They are definitely not a safe place to be the workers are treated like cattle and worse.
I appreciate your comment very much...But I would rather dance on the people in Washingtons' butts for still allowing these policies to stand. Why are we still backing big business when it has totally taken its backing from us?
Ronald R is gone. What are we going to do now?

Hugs, LW
I have been saying this about Ronnie boy for years. I just don't see how show business mixes all that well with politics and Lord knows ain't nothing trickled down to my level yet. I remember when most of the kids I grew up with knew we were poor white trash pulling for Johnson to win the election in 68 I think it was. We knew we were supposed to go with the Dems. Now they have all grown up and become hardass Reps who don't give a damn about their beginnings or the people who have the same ones now that they had then. I'm still a hippie thinking peace love and soul type of girl.

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