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I Have Been On Ep One Year

Titytw (this Is The Year That Was)... Hey !!!!! 

Hi there . ... 

It's October 22 2013 ... 

In two days time, I've been on Ep a year ... How time flys ..(was gonna say "when your having fun")
And yeah, I've had some fun ....
But lately, the last few months .. It's been a real struggle .. 
Everything seems set against me for some reason ...

I've got more work than I can keep up with .. Haven't had a day off now for nearly a month (Sunday marks that month mark, and although I'd planned a day off, I now gotta work, I just can't fit it all in on my usual Monday - Saturday pattern, so now I've had to retort to doing work on Sunday's as well) 
So now it looks like I'm gonna be five weeks without a day off ...
I'm so tired ... 
I hurt all over ... 
I sit in the chair for a brief moment, and fall asleep, which doesnt please my wife very much at all .... 
Anyhow .. Back to my year .. 

As I say, I joined Ep in the February of 2012... But didn't really get into it much .. And the year passed until October of 2012, and I got an email from Ep .. Reminding me of my account I'd opened...

So, over I popped.. Wrote a couple of posts .. And made friends with a wonderful young
Lady -- Yvie ...
We "clicked" immediately ....
We shared so many things in common. 
We chatted all the hours possible, I was here for her, and she for me..
We exchanged mobile numbers and texted each other whilst not in Ep world.
It was amazing .. Truly amazing. 
Then one day, without warning, she closed her account..... 

I texted her, and nothing ...
I emailed her .. Nothing
I texted her, like a lovestruck teenager....

I got a message back ... 
It went along the lines of "if you ever contact me again, I will call the police, and have you arrested for harassment" 

Wow !!!!

Never saw that coming ...

I tried a couple more times over the next couple of months .. But nothing ..... :( 

I was broken .. Ep felt wrong at that point .. Didn't wanna be there without Yvie 


Then, in mid - late November, I was answering questions, and one popped up 

"how do I flirt with guys???"


I answered .. She answered .. I replied .. And so began the wonderful times I had with a new friend .. Ms Greeneyedandcurious ..

(hi nikki !!!!) 

Oh man .. We had some fun .. 

She lifted my spirits 
She made me laugh
She made me feel young again .. 
Nikki was having a rough time in her life, and so was I. 
We would chat until the early hours... I couldnt wait to log in..

And to this day, we are still really good friends. 

At about this time, October / November, my father started to become really ill .. 
I was spending more days going round to help .. 

Ep was here to assist my life, and during the following couple of months, I made a few other, really good friends .. 
Badgirlbee, sleepyprincess, Lilreddress, Booklover, Aiyana, redtearsfalling.. 
And so Many other really good people....all of whom have become part of my life .. 

During February of 2013, my father passed ......

That was a difficult part of the year .... Feb - march and into April .. 
During may, and into July I was going round to my mothers most days, to do grocery shopping and cleaning for her .. 

As I still do .. Except now, it's nearly every day .. She somehow has a way of getting me round to do the most menial of jobs for her .. And I'm too tired to refuse .. 
I just do it now, it's easier than arguing about it .. 

The end of july was my wifes  birthday ... And the beginning of august was my 25th wedding anniversary... 
We had a couple of "days out" and it was awesome .. 
September arrived and went and here we are in october .. A couple of days away from my first year on Ep .. 

I have amassed thousands of groups .. All of which mean something to me .. 

And over 1200 story's .. Again, all mean something .. Are part of my life ..

Wow !!! 
What a year ...

I've tried to keep in contact with all my friends .. Old and new .. But nowadays, I am so busy, I find it hard to stay in contact ...
I feel it all starting to slip away .. 
I see things on friends boards that I have no idea what it refers to ...

I Just feel like .. I dunno, it's all rushing past, and I'm not in the loop... 
I posted a story the other day, and I remember a comment I made .. "I just wish someone would turn the light back on, so I could stop wandering around in the dark, bouncing off the walls"

Let's hope the next year brings me the peace and the rest I really need .. 
Life is so much like hard work at the moment ...
Get up early, work all day, go to bed late ... repeat ad infinitum

But to end this (long, rambling) story .. A few hi's and stuff ....

Nikki .. I love you and miss you so much .. Our wonderful times spent  together still echo strong in my mind ... 

Star .. You've had a hell of a year .. Yet you've remained so strong .. I hope the next year goes better for you .. Everythings gonna be alright Matie ...

*markie smile* :)

Kimmy .. It's been a crazy year for you .. You've recently been though a crazy time .. And a whole new adventure is waiting for you just around the corner .. Times will be tough.. But you'll get there .. I know it ((((Mwah)))))

Bee .. You've got so much to look forward to .. Your two new little bees .. Baby zzzzzz's .. And you've made so much progress in your life .. You and your mum have opened your hearts to each other .. And of course, your new man, James, he will be there to make you even stronger ...

Elaine .. Hope your holiday went well .. And I hope you get to retire to those wonderful mountain views .. 

Candus .. I know life is rough for you at the mo .. But with a new baby, and your treatment going well, life will continue to improve .. 

Well, unless I think of anything else, that looks like the end of this post .. 

I thank you for reading it .. Yeah, I know, it was a marathon read .. And yeah .. A few tears were spilt writing some of the words .. 

*tries to regain composure* 

Will try to catch u all soon .. 

Much love ... 

Markie ....


Ty ..everyone for changing And improving my life ..each and everyone of ya .. You are all so good to me, and I dunno what I'd do without ya .. 

M xx 
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Oh lord LMAO I'd forgotten that's how we started talking, me and my dumb questions, since then... kind of realized I'm a natural flirt. And a very unconventional one at that. I do miss you bunches and as for the bitch who just abandoned you, fuck her. There was no reason she couldn't have given you an explanation. I'm sorry you had to deal with that :( *hugs*
MarkLovesCoffee · 56-60, M
Hey nikki ... Ty sweetie .. Yeah .. That's how we started .... That's why we jelled so well .. Your unconventionness ...and you always flirted with me muhahahahahahahahahaa .. I
Miss u bunches as well ...we badly need a catch up babe .. So much has happened since we last spoke ...
As for Yvie .. Yeah .. It hurt .. But what don't kill ya, makes you stronger ... I'm just at work for the eve.. Gotta go attend to all those needy bingo ladies . Tehehehehe ... And no, before you say it .. I ain't streaking .. Tehehehehe .. Keep well nikki .. I love you . I miss u .. So so much .. Mwah .. ***blows lots of kisses your way*** xxx markie xx