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I Have 2500 Posts On My Profile

I've been here nearly three years now..
Made some amazing friends,,many of whom will be with me forever onwards....

I've posted quotes, and jokes..
I've posted happy things,,and sad things...
I posted some of my many millions of photographs...

I've wrote about my life,and all the things that have happened along the journey...

Despite my annoyance at ep,,and some of the things that have been taken away over the years, what an amazing site this is...

I don't get a lot of time these days...
Mornings sometimes...before I shoot off to moms...

Or just before I cook lunch...

Sometimes I get to work at 1630, and i don't start for 45 minutes.. I pop in then...
Or other times just before I cycle home at midnight....

But I love every minute I spend here....with all my amazing, astounding, fabulous, brave, awesome friends....

Love you all...

Here's to the next 2500 posts....

Cheers 🍻 🍵
2500?!?! Wow! That's impressive and I have to agree I have met some amazing people you being one of them on here that I wouldn't have if not for this place. Good luck on your next 2500.
MarkLovesCoffee · 56-60, M
Thank you sir

You was one of my first friends on here
As you say,, without ep....our worlds would probably have never collided...
Cheers 🍻 my man...

Hope you have an awesome day...
Just getting some dinner ready..then off to work in a couple hrs....
I don't know Mark. The friendships that we have seem a bit deeper and more tied together than the average friendships. We have all endured and been through hell at times and no one wavered from the others. I think had the internet not been part of technology at this time we all would have incarnated much closer to each other and still have become the integral part that we have all become.
MarkLovesCoffee · 56-60, M
**nods in agreement**...

Well said my friend.....
I consider you one of my special friends when I catch you in midflight!! love you bunches Markie! Here is looking to you and another 10 years...
MarkLovesCoffee · 56-60, M
Thank you kindly....its a pleasure to know you:)
*raises my bestest coffee cup* .. Despite the little free time you have, what you share is real quality .. I think you are awesome and a blessing to be around .. :-)
MarkLovesCoffee · 56-60, M
"*slurps coffee*,...,hmmm Mmm...good stuff..


Thank you....

Fabulous to have you in my life too...

*raise my coffee* Cheers Mr Expresso. Your stories are always a pleasure to read!
MarkLovesCoffee · 56-60, M
Thank you blanche... A pleasure to be part of your life :) ❤💋😘💨🍵
another 2500 posts MarkiePosts ?
that defo gets a MickyYeay !
MarkLovesCoffee · 56-60, M
Ohhhhhh yeahhhhhh !!!!

Thanks Micky..

You always put a smile on markies face 😃😊😉😁😂😄😅😆
You go markie! Here's hoping there'll be many many more. Hugs
MarkLovesCoffee · 56-60, M
Smiles with joy....thank you my sweetie...
Huge hugs back at ya .. 😊❤💋💨😘🍵

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