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I Am Experiencing Life

Everything is going whoosh for me...

My mother in law has been in hospital the last few days, after collapsing at home on Friday...

My wife has a hospital appointment tomorrow morning to speak to a consultant about the possibility of a bunion operation..

I'm up at 0630 every morning
I care for my mom most days...
I run a small tv installation business, which is keeping me very busy..
And I work an evening job, most evenings from 1630-2300..
I don't get home much before midnight...

Time I've had a shower..
A coffee
And a quick smoke..its the wrong side of 0100..
To get up the next 0630.. To do it again...

I have no living relations...
Just wife..and my mom..who doesn't leave the house...

Ugh... I'm just so tired.......
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How'd things work out for your brother-inlaw, I'm afraid to ask.?
That's great. I feared for the worst.
MarkLovesCoffee · 56-60, M
Thank you so much for your concern... Means a lot to me :) ❤🍵
you're welcome

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