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I Feel So Alone

I just got done creeping on people's Facebook pages of people I used to work with...I look at their profile pictures and what they have visibly posted to strangers to see what they are up to and they seem to have it all....relationships, friends, wonderful families...I don't creep all the time just once every couple of months probably 6 months but when I do I always reflect back on my life and I don't have none of those things. I have never been in a relationship, I have no friends, and my family isn't close like that...I'm not an attractive girl and I am weird from growing up and not being encouraged to talk to people or join social groups/events. I feel so alone and I know that no one likes me because every time I try to be social people just don't accept me.
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StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
Facebook posts can be very misleading. I had a friend who by her facebook posts seemed to have it all. Her life was one happy event after another. Then I had an actual conversation with her and her marriage was falling apart, her kids were a mess and they were going to file for bankruptcy. So ... your life can get a whole lot better and you shouldn't be concerned with what others have.
canadarm · M
@StevetheSleeve: exactly!
canadarm · M
There's a whole thing about people getting depressed because all their FB friends are posting all their perfect life.
Their lives are NOT perfect, their cool vacations are on credit debt and they can fall ill tomorrow and that happens all the time.
Don't compare your life to their perfect-posts.
It's a hollow mockup.
Enjoy the simple life you have.
amethyst1 · 36-40, F
Remember that they won't be showing all the things that are wrong in their lives. The important thing is that you are kind, genuine and true.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
As others have said below, what people post and what's really going on in their lives are often vastly different ... Add regrets you being social, it's a skill some are born with but most of us have to learn .. and often when you try, you try too hard and people sense it .. maybe you need to join a group where mixing digitally is not the Sun, but learning something else is ... That way you learn social skills by osmosis .. good luck hun
ahndee · 31-35, M
I was just on Facebook an hour ago and I feel similarly. All of my "friends" from there are friends from college, and I haven't really contacted any of them in over a year. I feel isolated, but not completely trapped and alone. I do wish to have a social life again, because I don't know anyone where I live now.
dumpstermeow · 41-45, F
This is why I don't have Facebook
PatrickORourke · 31-35, M
I just got rid of mine today and feel much better. people only say something to you when you say something first no one is willing to make the move to reach out to others any more. @dumpstermeow:
lasergraph · 70-79, M
Generally Facebook is for bragging and it doesn't have to be real.
watchtires · M
People have to look thru people sometime to see their real worth. You must have some qualities that will be recognized.
PatrickORourke · 31-35, M
that is true that the more happy they look the less they really are most of the time.
Goralski · 56-60, M
Sounds like you're too hard on yourself i hope when you talk to people its not all negative talk like your post
updown2020 · 61-69, M
Fuck them all that's what I say what you see on social media is just that social media picture are pictures the real life now that is a true picture, Maybe they do have a good life that's good for them. Family is over rated and friends well they are your friends until you wake up and realize you are a atm to them and cut them off so they cut you off. Stay home watch tv and chat on here you cannot go wrong if you want someone to talk to well talk at work. Sorry for the swearing,

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