FernandoXkuroo · 16-17, F
Wanna be friends? I wont ignore u
Elessar · 26-30, M
Forget people you meet in school / college / work. Start building a circle outside, I know it isn't easy but try. Be it by starting some sport or hobby, or even using one of those dating apps (just clarify on the bio or whatever that you're after friendships and not romance, if allowed). People who'll meet you because they want to meet you and not because circumstances force them to meet you will, with all probability, behave differently.
beermeplease · M
@Elessar good answer
cyberdude28 · 31-35, M
You had friends in college? I mean I wasn't even quite able to get them.
SinlessOnslaught · M
Omg is that the face of the guy who always says "MY LEG?!"
MyLegGuy2020 · M
@SinlessOnslaught yes
SinlessOnslaught · M
@MyLegGuy2020 [media=https://youtu.be/y4f8ttGVxgo]
beermeplease · M
.....there's always us 🤗
MyLegGuy2020 · M
@beermeplease Thanks! That really means a lot!
beermeplease · M
@MyLegGuy2020 no worries...😀
luviti · 16-17, F
ur just too cool for them
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
Well was your touching consensual?