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As a kid. I've told this story a lot in the last 1O years. I was around eight and my brothers and sister and I watched a cast iron pan slam up and down on the stove in the kitchen. Very loud and very violent. That was the one that was intense enough, and I couldn't explain away. We had 'Grandma Painter' in Arkansas, but everything she did could be explained. Like mysterious fires in the fire place, or chair rocking by itself...
Dandingo · 46-50, M
@puck61: had a similar experience when I was a kid. Came home after school one day and thought my sister was home so I started to go upstairs looking for her and she's was no where to be I was at the bottom of the stairs, a towel flew towards me and I looked up and saw a shadow. Thought it was my sister so I went upstairs again and checked all the closets and rooms again and no one was up there. I ran downstairs so freaking fast and waited for my parents to get home. Found out later that my sister wasn't home from school yet that day. No one could explained what happened but I was sure it was a ghost.
@Dandingo: Well, no creepy youtube vids for me tonight! 😓
yeah just havent physically seen it. but i have had things shake and move.
Ozdharma · 61-69, M
Yes my dead aunt spent soe time in our house because some of her ashes were still there.
No..I really don't think anything like that exists
MikefromEP · 56-60, M
Not visually.. but many other forms